They will go to the Neuquén – Cipolletti highway bridges to ask for justice

2023-09-07 03:25:00

under the slogan “To the bridges for Justice for Silvia Cabañares”he Plenary of Workers, the Collective Ni Una Menos Cipolletti, Aten Capital, Plottier, Polo Obrero and a group of organizations will march this Thursday September 7 to the highway bridges that unite Neuquén and Cipolletti.

The call is from 5:30 p.m. and will seek to expose the disagreement regarding the times in the investigation that seeks the person(s) responsible for the crime of Silvia Cabañares, found dead in the Balsa Las Perlas neighborhood, jurisdiction belonging to Cipolletti.

El Polo Obrero, an organization that accompanies Flavia, Silvia’s mother exposed the requirement of speed in the investigation and the request for the necessary resources to be made available to find the femicide(s).

The leader of the PO, Patricia Jure and member of the Plenary of workers that the brand calls, explained that more than 10 days had passed since the discovery of the body of the 28-year-old woman and “We do not have any prisoner responsible for an atrocious femicide that moves the communities of Neuquén and Rio Negro.”

Jure exposed that “Every day that passes without news or progress is a step in impunity for the simple reason that evidence can be eliminated or the person or persons responsible can escape.” That is why he ratified the call to transfer the claim to the bridges and denounced that “in our region there is a modus operandi that consists of women being killed in one province and deposited in another precisely to hinder investigations.” Regarding this, he emphasized that in Silvia’s femicide we can be in the presence of a new case with this way of operating.

The former legislator explained that the march on the bridges will seek «to unite our cry for justice with the compañeras and organizations of Rio Negro to demand speedy investigations from the political power and justice system of both provinces, the provision of resources and technology to clarify the case and move forward urgently with the trial and punishment.”

Jure did not hesitate to expose the Women’s Ministries and considered that “They are painted” and “they are not taking measures to eradicate violence and femicides.”

#Neuquén #Cipolletti #highway #bridges #justice



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