They will carry out the First Bazaar of Well-being to benefit the Unit for the Care of Children with Burns of the Civil Hospital

This weekend the First Bazaar of Well-being will be held for the benefit of the Children’s Care Unit with Burns of the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara. The organizer, Alejandra Castañeda, reported that they will bring together around 100 exhibitors and offer 20 master conferences. She announced that attendees will be able to learn regarding new research, products, experiences, therapies, support networks and high-quality resources that contribute to improving people’s lives.

“We are very focused on helping children, that is why we developed a very fun children’s area, where children will be able to have yoga classes, exercise in mindfulness, everything focused on well-being and also the indigenous communities, our friends are guests such as the Wixárikas, Mazahuas, Purépechas, Mixtecas and Otomíes, and well, the plus is that we will have 100 stands and that we will have 20 expert conferences, on different topics of human development»I note.

Alejandra Castañeda explained that the First Wellness Bazaar seeks to reduce the growing rate of physical and emotional illnesses, which represent an enormous social cost and threaten to collapse the public health system. He said that it is urgent that the general population adopt wellness as a lifestyle and stressed that we must strengthen health, not wait to cure, since due to emerging diseases (such as COVID) we need to improve lifestyle , because we do not know what awaits us.

The First Wellness Bazaar will be on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 August.

“100% of the auction of two works of art will be donated to children with burns. It is a unique bazaar of its kind, it is a bazaar focused 100% on wellness and that is why we have invited everyone; they will be in Tlaquepaque, Tonalá, Zapopan, Guadalajara, Zapotlanejo, Tlajomulco and the ‘My Great Hope’ foundation, which supports children with cancer; Carlos Slim Foundation, Civil Hospitals of Guadalajara, Rebuilding Lives, EDEUPAN, Pink Nose, Telethon, National Foundation Against Vicarious Violence, among others»he highlighted.

The meeting will be open to the public free of charge at the Palcco facilities in Zapopan.

«The objective is to promote the physical and emotional health of people, by presenting in a single space the wide range of accessible options that can contribute to making physical and emotional care a daily practice for most people. As a society we must learn to have well-being, and depend much less on a health or disease care system, which is increasingly inefficient and counterproductive. We think regarding healing, and seriously considering what it means to live healthy and how we can heal ourselves, when our ailments are just beginning»said the interviewee.

Some topics that will be covered in the Bazaar del Bienestar are the following:

  • Grief management and Thanatology
  • Conscious Eating
  • New wellness therapies
  • female leadership
  • Heal the body and heal the mind
  • Affective responsibility and family relationships
  • Caring for the emotional health of our children
  • Release rancor and guilt to prevent illness

Elizabeth Rivera Avelar



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