They will build 594 homes in three new stages of the San Bartolomé complex in Chillán Viejo – La Discusión 2024-04-24 21:08:48

Constructora Manzano submitted to the Environmental Evaluation Service (SEA) the environmental impact declaration (DIA) of its “Modification of Emergency Housing Project DS 49 San Bartolomé, Chillan Viejo”, on April 4.

The initiative corresponds to the modification of the “San Bartolomé” project, which has a DS49 subsidy (Social Integration) and which considered the construction of 234 homes (150 apartments and 84 houses), which today show 90% progress. The new works, meanwhile, correspond to the construction of 594 additional homes (310 apartments and 284 houses) in three stages, bringing the total to 828 homes.

“In order to environmentally evaluate the total synergy of the project and possible significant impacts, the DIA considers the operation of the 234 homes in the existing project plus the 594 additional homes,” indicated the DIA.

The start of work is scheduled for June 2024. They will be carried out in 3 continuous construction phases of 18 months each, for a total duration of 54 months, during which an average workforce of 90 workers will be required, with a peak of 120. .

The project will be located on an 11.4 hectare property, at the intersection of San Bartolomé and Luis Araneda streets, in Chillán Viejo, and will represent a total investment of US$33.6 million.

The project, according to the owner, “seeks to contribute to the solution of housing demand and the objectives of the Housing Emergency Plan proposed for the Ñuble region.”

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