They warn that democracy and the balance of power in Mexico are being destroyed

In a new analysis of the situation in Mexico, the Observatory of Catholic Citizenship and Social Analysis of the National Council of Laity (CNL) warns that, by the will of a single man, the country is rapidly heading towards a change in the legal, political and institutional regime in which the foundations of electoral democracy and the balance of powers are destroyed of the Republic.

He points out that it is clearly heading towards a despotic regime (abuse of power by an individual or a group), which foreshadows the destructuring of the rule of law and opens the door to influence of the powers that beincluding the most important one today: organized crime of drug cartels.

Perpetuating in power, the objective of the reforms

“In this old regime (as old as the old PRI) for immediate approval in Congress, the government and its party Morena organize the laws and institutions in their favor, with the main object of perpetuating themselves in power and to direct the country towards the objectives set by the so-called 21st Century Socialism, already warned about several times, driven by a continental political movement, today led by the Sao Paulo Forum and the Puebla Group based in Mexico City.”

He CNL Observatory He says that more and more actors and sectors of society perceive where López Obrador and Claudia Sheinbaum (and Morena) are leading the country: The Illegal overrepresentation in the Chambers of Congress means the destruction of the autonomy and independence of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

“In this process, López Obrador and Claudia Sheinbaum are in complete agreement,” he stressed.

It indicates that López Obrador is fulfilling his objective thanks to the electoral results of June 2, obtained through an obvious and illegal “state election”in which public resources and all the government institutions involved were decisive.

“The June 2 election made us enthusiastically see the figure of candidate Xóchitl Gálvez who carried out her task against all odds, but it also showed us the face of the opposition parties marked by the incompetence of their leaders and by the lack of commitment of some related political groups,” he explains.

Risks of overrepresentation and judicial reform

And he concludes: On the national level There does not seem to be enough political strength to stop the illegal overrepresentation of Morena and allies in the Congress of the Union, which means the liquidation of an autonomous and independent Judicial Branch of the Federation.

“Because of the implications it entails, overrepresentation is an internal problem in Mexico, but Judicial reform is an international issue and of a very important economic nature.”

“At the moment, it can be said that the political and economic conditions are being generated for Claudia Sheinbaum’s government to be inaugurated with aa very serious inherited crisis for the consequences against the entire population.”

Call to the laity in Mexico

He points out that the lay people of each community of the Catholic Church in Mexico, together with their Pastors, are called not to be strangers and expectant of the historic moment that the country is experiencing, with its serious social and political challenges.

In its analysis, the Observatory of Catholic Citizenship and Social Analysis of the National Council of Laity presents a account of the facts of the López Obrador government aimed at achieving the objectives of the Fourth Transformation, including the extinction of the independence of autonomous organizations.

It also relates the positions and Warnings on the issue of overrepresentation and judicial reform led by national protagonists
and international, on the imminent danger for Mexico in the political and economic fields with the intended reforms.

It mentions businessmen from the United States (T-MEC), international rating agencies and banks, the Business Coordinating Council, the Mexican Business Council, the Mexican Episcopal Conference, judges and magistrates of the Judicial Branch of the Federation and civil society through the Civic Front and Pink Tide, as well as analysts from Mexico and abroad.

Report of the Observatory of the National Council of Laity

Here you can read the full report from the CNL Observatory:

#warn #democracy #balance #power #Mexico #destroyed
2024-09-01 17:47:06



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