They want to have the Egholm connection rethought: – CO2 bomb in the Limfjorden

This is a discussion post. The post is an expression of the writer’s own position.

EGHOLM: With a construction act, the government wants to have more asphalt, more CO2, destroy nature and habitats for animals, risk contamination of the drinking water and possibly even push the Limfjord even further away from becoming one of Denmark’s most beautiful living fjords again.

Naturally, we in the Danish Nature Conservation Association cannot support that.

And we honestly see it as deeply unambitious that the government is unable to implement the green policy that the world and Denmark so badly need, and in which they claim to be a leading country.

Studies, facts and constructive proposals for a much greener connection have thus far bounced off the government, but now it gets a new chance to act as green as it says it is.

New figures show that the CO2 emissions will hit a crazy 480,000 tonnes against the equally absurd 263,000 tonnes, the calculations previously stated.

This should naturally call for political reflection.

I hope that the settlement parties will now withdraw their support so that we can do this properly and in line with the green transition we have entered into a social contract to implement.

Placing a CO2 bomb in the Limfjord is a direct breach of that contract.

2024-02-14 18:19:01
#Egholm #connection #rethought #CO2 #bomb #Limfjorden

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