They took advantage of him in his illness.. this is what directors did with Bruce Willis

A new report has revealed that international actor, Bruce Willis, was taken advantage of by film producers, who continued to film him even though he was unable to remember his steps or his performance due to aphasia.

The Los Angeles Times reported that producer Randall Emmett, 51, was aware of the famous actor’s health condition, but pushed him to work despite the difficulty.

Emmett was also the producer of Midnight in the Switchgrass, one of Willis’s most popular, recent 67 films in which he appeared as an FBI officer.

In September 2020, the director mightn’t get Bruce Willis to kick in the door even with the help of a stunt coordinator, according to several crew members, and out of frustration the actor left the set wondering, “Did I do something wrong?”

The report also stated that Emmett called his fiancée Kent, and told her in tears: “I can’t do this anymore,” adding: “It’s so sad. Bruce can’t remember any of his lines… He doesn’t know where he is.”

But the director didn’t stop working with the Die hard star following that phone call, and went on to produce five more action movies with Willis.

Denial.. and clarification statement

For his part, Emmett denied the numerous allegations in the “Los Angeles Times” report. He said that the conversation with Kent did not take place and that he was not aware of Willis’s deteriorating health.

“Randall is very proud of the work he and Bruce Willis have done over the past 15 years,” his spokeswoman Sally Hoffmeister said in a statement sent to The Post.

She added, “In every movie they’ve worked together, Bruce has enjoyed being on set, playing golf, going to dinner, and communicating with the crew… and if Willis didn’t want to be on set, he wouldn’t be there,” noting that the international actor is one of the greatest actors. In his era he was pursued by many production companies until his recent retirement.

“Randall is among Bruce Willis’ closest friends,” she said.

It is reported that the Willis family announced on March 30 that the famous actor had been diagnosed with aphasia, a language impairment that affects a person’s ability to understand speech.

They announced that he is retiring from acting following a long career that spanned more than 40 years and included various projects.



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