“They told me they didn’t renew tacky ones”

Karina has visited the set of Y ahora Sonsoles on the 55th anniversary of ‘El baúl de los Recuerdos’, the song that accompanied an entire generation.

It emerged in 1969, a time of modernization that became the perfect setting for this song by the artist, which invites us to leave bad times behind and look optimistically to the future.

With this success Karina achieved a gold record with more than a million copies sold worldwide. This was only the first of a long list of hits, such as ‘Las Flechas del Amor’.

Karina told us that her father didn’t like her being a singer and that he even had a boyfriend for her, but she didn’t like him very much because she was 17 and he was 28.

The artist regrets having said no, but does not think she would have been happier. “Do you know how comfortable it is to sleep alone?” she said.

Karina also told us what she would have told herself when she was young. “Choose what you like best,” she confessed, and although what she liked most was singing, she would have liked to do it more, especially from the beginning.

However, although she would have liked to sing “modern” songs, she was fired from the record company. “They told me that they didn’t renew contracts with tacky people,” the artist said.



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