They suggest increasing the credit portfolio to boost the private sector

Although the increase in credit in the country has been rated positively, it is expected that the fact cover the private sector for its promotionThis was stated by economist Jesús Palacios Chacín, who expressed the needs that must be covered for a prosperous economy.

In their social networksthe expert highlighted the statements of Nicolas Madurowho assured that there has been an 80% increase in credit in Venezuela; however, he detailed that, according to his data, the private sector requires financing of about 6 billion dollars to get the momentum needed to operate optimally.

“That is to say, the (credit) portfolio must increase by four times to meet the initial requirements from the private sector,” said the specialist.

According to the economist, credit “It remains scarce for credit card consumption and insufficient for companies.”

Although Maduro spoke about a 50% increase in deposits compared to last year, Palacios Chacín said that it is still a matter of a low percentage compared to other years.

“Increase the volume of deposits in the system It is the first task for banks to be able to increase financing.“, he continued.

As he explained, The mission of recovering the deposits is essentialas it can generate stability and generate mechanisms for access to credit.

#suggest #increasing #credit #portfolio #boost #private #sector
2024-07-03 05:29:08

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