They sent a message from the 16-year-old’s cell phone to cover up her 44-year-old rapist VIDEO

They sent a message from the 16-year-old’s cell phone to cover up her 44-year-old rapist VIDEO

The news about the rape of the 16-year-old girl in Colonos by the father of her ex-partner is shocking.

Live News published a video document from Colonos showing the movements of the 44-year-old, his son and his current partner trying to get the 16-year-old’s cell phone to send a message and cover the 44-year-old for the rape.

In the message, the 16-year-old allegedly asked the 44-year-old to have sex so that her ex-partner’s father could plead consensual sex.

The video document was recorded on Tuesday, August 20.

The footage clearly shows the 44-year-old’s silver car driven by the perpetrator’s son. Next to him sit his father and his current partner.

It is alleged that the rape of the girl took place in this particular car.

According to the 16-year-old’s father, the 44-year-old’s son’s partner grabbed the victim’s cell phone and then sent the message asking the 44-year-old to have sex.

What does the perpetrator claim?
The 44-year-old denies all the accusations and claims that he never raped the 16-year-old after they had a relationship.

“I did not rape the complainant. I would never do such a thing. We had a relationship and an obvious one at that. In fact, I divorced my wife when it was found out. This was around the end of July.

I never threatened her to have sex. I met the girl when she had an affair with my son. Unfortunately, I gave in and had a relationship with her,” claimed the 44-year-old and continued:

“I also knew her father. I suspect that the 16-year-old was afraid of her father’s reaction when he found out about our relationship and attributed it to rape.

She claims that a friend of hers knew about all this 20 days ago, but did not make any complaint. If they open my cell phone, the whole truth will be revealed,” he said.

The 44-year-old’s son spoke to Live News claiming that while they were in a relationship, his father spoke to the 16-year-old as if she were his daughter.

“They met her last year at the end of July through a mutual friend. I was in a relationship with this girl from August 10th until March. They had met my father because I had taken her to my house.

They weren’t talking strange at all. They spoke like father and daughter. My father was equally interested in her and asked her if she wanted to eat or drink something.”

Regarding the relationship they supposedly developed after the breakup, he said he never saw his father engage in any sexual activity and the only thing he commented on was their age difference.

“Since the girl wanted it, I can’t say anything more. It’s her life,” he said.

“He watched her for days”
A relative of the 16-year-old spoke to Live News and revealed that the 44-year-old had set her up under her house and was watching her.

“It was recorded by cameras that he didn’t know were in the area. While he was receiving the love messages, the cameras caught him replying while the 16-year-old was next to him,” said a relative of the 16-year-old.

The 44-year-old will apologize tomorrow, Tuesday (27.08.2024) and will claim that his relationship with the 16-year-old is confirmed by many people.

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