They say that on May 6 the world ends, is it true?

It seems that there are people who are not happy if there is not a threat that could end life on our planet, so every so often there is news about the “exact” date on which the Earth will suffer a catastrophe of epic proportions that will leave it devastated and empty.

Of all the possibilities, it seems that the favorite is the one that says that an asteroid, meteorite, comet or any huge rock that comes from outer space will hit us and trigger the end. Once again, it is said that one of these objects is close to causing the disaster and they have set a date: May 6, 2022.

Through social networks, the alleged news was shared that NASA reported that the asteroid 2009 JF1 is close to Earth and would impact on May 6, 2022, which would cause the extinction of life. This would mean that we only have a few hours of existence left.

However, it was false news that NASA denied. In addition, it provided information about this asteroid, which is not close enough to raise alarms. The chances of a hit are minimal: 0.00074 percent.

It’s a pretty standard asteroid. When there is an object that we consider worth informing the public about, we include it in a document called the Close Approach Fact Sheet.

-Detlef Koschny, researcher at the Planetary Defense Office

For an asteroid or any other body that travels through space to be considered dangerous, it must be at least 7.4 million kilometers away. In addition, other factors such as its size and the speed at which it travels must be considered in order to consider it a real threat.

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According to the data that NASA has been collecting, this asteroid measures between 8 and 17 meters in diameter, so it is not considered a threat. Furthermore, it travels at an average speed of 21.4 km/s, which doesn’t make it dangerous either, even if it did impact our planet.

For an asteroid to be able to destroy an entire city with its impact, it would have to have a diameter of between 30 and 100 meters and for it to be considered a “planet killer” it would have to be at least a kilometer in diameter, although the possibility of an impact with one of these it is low. If you wanted the end to come, you’ll have to wait a little longer.

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