They run to Rocío Nahle from the cafeteria in Veracruz

Veracruz.- Rocío Nahlecandidate of Morena and allies to the government of Veracruz, was practically run by diners from the famous La Parroquia cafeteria, in Boca del Río, Veracruz, because They shouted at him in chorus, repeatedly: “Let him go to Zacatecas.”.

She was received amidst boos upon her arrival at the La Parroquia branch located on the Ruiz Cortines Avenue from that municipality, along with his team, where he held a press conference in which he would talk about his start to the campaign.

And when he expressed answers to questions asked by journalists, the parishioners attending at that moment began to shout Out!, Out!, Out!

And although the baton that Rocío Nahle carried cheered her and shouted slogans, these remained buried by the cries of the dissatisfied.

“Let him go to Zacatecas”: they run to Rocío Nahle from the La Parroquia cafeteria in Veracruz

The shouts of diners against Nahle did not stop during the brief conference and his departure from the place was accompanied by more boos and shouts of: “Out, out, let him go to Zacatecas.”

Accompanied by candidates for senators, federal and local deputies, five minutes after starting her conferencethe Morena candidate avoided answering about the origin of her mansions and land located in luxury subdivisions such as El Dorado in Boca del Río and Country in Tabasco.

To understand better: Scandal over luxurious residence of Rocío Nahle in times of “austerity” of the 4T

“Today is my start of the campaign and it is with proposals, and I’m not going to get involved in slander. So, I’m not going to get bogged down in that.

Today is my start and that is the important thing, and I am respectful of all expressions,” she responded.

YouTube video

Gerardo Fernández Noroña and Citlalli Hernández, with Rocío Nahle

The brunette, originally from the state of Zacatecas who is seeking the governorship of Veracruzalso commented that Gerardo Fernández Noroña and Citlalli Hernández They will be the ones who will accompany her in her big kick-off event.

“Claudia, our candidate, will be with Armenta in Izucar, in Puebla and later in Cuernavaca with Margarita (González) and Mario (Delgado), our national leader will be in Chiapas accompanying our candidate Eduardo,” he said.

The candida of tHe did not speak much about his proposals: “If you wait a little while, at 5:00 in the afternoon I will give details.”

Brief conference by Rocío Nahle, prior to the start of the campaign due to boos in the cafeteria

The press conference concluded a little over five minutes after having startedjust at the end of the questions about its origin.

Los Screams of diners against Nahle did not last in the entire press conference and they continued while she left the place.

Upon leaving, the boos of diners mixed with those of the baton carried by the candidate, who sought, without success, to prevail with shouts of: “Governor, governor.”

Morenista Rocío Nahle arrived accompanied by ex-priists and the owner of the newspaper El Dictamen, Bertha Ahued, Morena candidates for local deputies, to the traditional La Parroquia café.

#run #Rocío #Nahle #cafeteria #Veracruz
2024-04-04 17:24:47

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