They revealed the real reason why Juan Ferrara left Cocineros Argentinos

2023-05-09 14:06:52

A few days ago, the followers of Argentine cooks They were surprised by the unexpected farewell to Juan Ferrara. The chef was separated from the already legendary gastronomy program on Public Television following a decade and a half of work. And, faced with the bewilderment of the audience that asked regarding him, he decided to share an extensive letter on his Instagram account to try to explain the situation.

“The truth is that it was very difficult for me to start these words that are the farewell to Argentine cooks. There are many strong emotions that invaded me these days, ”she wrote at the beginning of her letter.

And following confessing that he needed time to process everything, he also found it necessary to express himself: “During that time, and still still, hundreds of messages of affection and a lot of love did not stop coming to me. I would love to be able to give each of you a hug…”.

Then the cook pointed out: “I feel proud of everything I have done and happy for having transmitted passion and joy. I am also happy because the program spread gastronomy throughout Argentina, through great chefs, food producers and land workers”. And then, he took the time to mention who was in front of and behind the camera. “I want to thank all the co-workers of the production company who have passed through these years, I learned a lot from them. Thanks to Public TV and all its laburantes”, he said.

“I really wanted to celebrate these almost 15 years and share them with all of you. Unfortunately, due to decisions that are alien to me, it was not possible, “Ferrara slipped, making it clear that the decision to leave the program was not his. And he concluded: “This gives me more strength to continue working and to find new projects that I can join and that make me feel that there is still a lot to communicate and disseminate. The television that represents me is the one that is always made by working as a team, generating collective ideas and with respect for the other. see you forever Argentine cooks”.

The reason for the separation of Juan Ferrara

According to what they told in Show Partners, revealed the true reason why Ferrara’s separation occurred. “What we have to tell is that when Chantal Abad joined the program Argentine cooks as a driver, he was left a bit relegated”, assured Rodrigo Lussich. And he added: “Juan complained to the production because he did not have the place he wanted and they invited him to retire.”

For his part, Adrián Pallares gave more details of the conflict that ended with the chef’s dismissal. “He claimed that he was the oldest on the show. He has been here since 2009. And well, they told him: ‘Look, if you don’t understand things…’.

Chantal was a guest one day and the truth was that she delivered, as they say on television. She has nothing to do with all this. The production has had many twists and turns, something similar also happened to her with Sofía Pachano. They are strict. ‘You do not like? Well, grab your things’”, said the host of the ElTrece entertainment program, recalling the departure of Aníbal Pachano’s daughter.

It should be remembered that Ferrara is already part of What a Morning!in El Nueve, a cycle led by Guillermo Calabrese, who passed away on April 21, and who now incorporated Mariano Peluffo in the lead.

#revealed #real #reason #Juan #Ferrara #left #Cocineros #Argentinos



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