They reveal video of the fight between women in the Monterrey gym

MONTERREY.- The authorities of Nuevo León revealed a video where you can appreciate the moment when two women fight for exercise apparatus in Monterrey gym.

In the recording you can see how both of them are talking, suddenly one of them pushes the other which starts the slapping.

According to information collected by the authorities, the aforementioned events occurred inside the Great Fitness gym located at Anillo Periférico and Rogelio Cantú in the Colinas de San Jerónimo subdivision, to the west of the city.

Leticia “N” 66 years old got upset with Rosanna “N” 44 years oldbecause this “took too long” in the use of a device to perform an exercise routine, with which she wanted to work.

According to preliminary information, to avoid problems, Rosanna went to report the incident with the gym manager. However, upon returning to the apparatus area, Leticia confronted her with insultsand both began to argue heatedly. They quickly moved on to fighting, and then Leticia bit Rosannaamputating the little finger of one hand.

After the fact They detained the two women. Rosanna was taken to police custody to receive medical attention and she was later released.

Woman who tore off finger linked to trial

The woman who amputated another’s little finger when arguing over the use of an exercise machine in a gym was linked process and as a precautionary measure, a control judge ruled that he should not approach or communicate with his victim.

The State Attorney General’s Office, through its Central Region, reported that in a hearing to resolve the legal situation of Leticia “N”an Agent of the Investigative Public Prosecutor’s Office presented sufficient evidence for the control judge to decide to bring the accused to trial for the crime of injuries in a fight.

Likewise, the judge imposed a prohibition on Leticia from approaching or communicating with the victim as a precautionary measure. Rosanna “N” while setting a period of two months for the closure of the complementary investigation.

Read: Women fight in the Monterrey gym; one lost a finger

#reveal #video #fight #women #Monterrey #gym
2024-04-07 05:11:09



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