They relaunched the work of the Cinco Saltos hydrobiological center

This Monday, the start-up of the first stage of the fish farming work in Lake Pellegrini. The project is articulated between the provincial government and the municipality of five jumps. They ensured that it will promote the fishing activity through pejerrey.

“The work aims at improvement and start-up of the hydrobiological center“They assured from the municipal government.

As they detailed, from the new facilities, “the will promote the fishing activity through the pejerrey, the elaboration of products, and the support and promotion of local projects and enterprises, “they commented from the municipality. Furthermore, this development will be accompanied by the National Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.

During the relaunch, the mayor of Cinco Saltos was present, Liliana Alvarado, who highlighted the benefit that it generates for the residents of the city, “to be able to advance in the improvement of these spaces.” And he added that this provides and adds “higher quality to our resources and our production”.

Provincial and municipal officials also participated in the event. They included the Director of Aquaculture John Lawrence; the Provincial Undersecretary of Fisheries, Jessica Ressler; the delegate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Production, Hugo Hormazabal; the fish keeper, Pablo Zampatti; the aquaculture technician, Brenda Matus; the Provincial fisheries coordinator, Florian Julius; the representative of the Cipolletti fishing table, Omar Martinez; and the president of the Deliberative Council of the city, Mirta Almanza; members of the municipal cabinet, and residents of the city.

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