A blood vessel on a chip to test drugs

When medicine and technology come together, the possibilities seem endless! After the creation of a vagina on a chip to better study certain vaginal infections and find treatments, it is now the turn of our blood vessels to be replicated on a microchip. This new technological advancement has been developed by a team of scientists from the University of Sydney, who have published two articles outlining their findings, available here and here. The researchers hope that the results of these studies will enable the microchip, developed in the biomedical field, to be used to model human organs and diseases.

A Transparent Microchip that Mimics Vascular Lesions

This microchip is transparent and mimics vascular damage caused by high blood flow and inflammation, a preliminary step in the development of heart disease. This device offers a more precise understanding of how blockages occur at specific locations in blood vessels. “This is an incredible breakthrough because we took advantage of the fact that these microchips are made from a transparent material, and we mimicked the conditions in the coronary artery, which supplies blood to the heart muscle, and imaged them under a microscope to map areas of cell damage that were similar to the locations of blockages in patients with heart disease.”, explains Associate Professor Anna Waterhouse from the Charles Perkins Centre and the Nano Institute at the University of Sydney.

A More Precise Device than an Animal Model

The other advantage of this microchip is that it might significantly reduce animal testing. “If we use an animal model, we are not able to see changes at this level of detail in a living organism, because we cannot see through the vessels”, explains the expert.

Blood Vessel on a Chip: How Does This Technology Work?

This blood vessel-on-a-chip mimics the structure and function of human blood vessels by etching tiny channels into which human cells are placed to grow. This technique allows scientists and doctors to perform tests quickly and with very little liquid. It is therefore more reliable, simpler to manage and also more cost-effective for the laboratory. “Innovations like this in organ-on-a-chip technology are critical to potentially benefit millions of people around the world by enabling faster, more cost-effective drug development without the need for animal testing.”, says Professor Waterhouse.

What’s next? The teams are now working to integrate new types of vascular cells to mimic human vessels even better, and to add fats to simulate cholesterol accumulation. “We want to further our research by testing devices that simulate complex interactions within human organs, allowing us to reproduce more advanced stages of diseases, such as severe heart disease or advanced cancer.”, concludes the specialist.

Blood Vessels on a Chip: A Revolutionary Leap in Cardiovascular Research

The fusion of medicine and technology continues to unlock extraordinary possibilities. Following the groundbreaking creation of a “vagina on a chip” for studying vaginal infections, researchers are now focusing their attention on replicating human blood vessels on a microchip. Scientists from the University of Sydney have made significant strides in this field, publishing two articles detailing their innovative approach. Their work promises to revolutionize cardiovascular research and offer unparalleled insights into the complexities of heart disease.

A Transparent Microchip Mirroring Vascular Lesions

The microchip developed by the Sydney team is transparent and meticulously designed to mimic vascular damage caused by high blood flow and inflammation, a crucial precursor to many cardiovascular ailments. This transparent nature allows for detailed microscopic observation of the microchip, offering a previously unattainable level of clarity for understanding the mechanisms of blood vessel blockage.

Associate Professor Anna Waterhouse, a leading researcher on the project, emphasizes the significance of this breakthrough: “This is an incredible breakthrough because we took advantage of the fact that these microchips are made from a transparent material, and we mimicked the conditions in the coronary artery, which supplies blood to the heart muscle, and imaged them under a microscope to map areas of cell damage that were similar to the locations of blockages in patients with heart disease.

A Superior Alternative to Animal Models

The blood vessel-on-a-chip technology also holds immense promise for reducing reliance on animal models in research. Traditional animal testing methods often lack the precision and transparency needed to study complex cardiovascular processes comprehensively.

Professor Waterhouse further explains, “If we use an animal model, we are not able to see changes at this level of detail in a living organism because we cannot see through the vessels.” The microchip technology provides a more ethical and scientifically robust alternative, opening doors to deeper and more comprehensive research.

Unveiling the Mechanics of Blood Vessel-on-a-Chip Technology

The blood vessel-on-a-chip replicates the structure and function of human blood vessels by incorporating minuscule channels into which human cells are precisely placed and cultivated. This innovative approach enables scientists and doctors to conduct tests swiftly and efficiently, requiring only minimal amounts of liquid. This translates to a more reliable, streamlined, and cost-effective method for laboratory research.

Professor Waterhouse highlights the broader implications of this technology, stating, “Innovations like this in organ-on-a-chip technology are critical to potentially benefit millions of people around the world by enabling faster, more cost-effective drug development without the need for animal testing.

The Path Forward: Progressing Towards a Deeper Understanding

The research team is actively pursuing further refinement of the blood vessel-on-a-chip model. Their focus is on integrating additional types of vascular cells to create a more intricate and accurate representation of human blood vessels. They are also incorporating fats into the model to simulate the accumulation of cholesterol, a key factor in the development of cardiovascular disease.

Professor Waterhouse outlines their ambitious goals, stating, “We want to further our research by testing devices that simulate complex interactions within human organs, allowing us to reproduce more advanced stages of diseases, such as severe heart disease or advanced cancer.

Key Benefits of Blood Vessel-on-a-Chip Technology:

  • Enhanced Understanding of Cardiovascular Disease: The transparent microchip provides unprecedented insights into the mechanisms of blood vessel blockage and the progression of cardiovascular disease.
  • Reduced Reliance on Animal Models: The technology offers a more ethical and scientifically sound alternative to animal testing, enabling researchers to study complex cardiovascular processes with greater accuracy.
  • Faster and More Cost-Effective Drug Development: The rapid and efficient testing capabilities of the microchip platform accelerate drug development cycles and reduce research costs.
  • Personalized Medicine: The potential to create personalized organ-on-a-chip models opens doors for tailored medical treatments based on individual genetic and biological profiles.

Table: Comparison of Animal Models and Blood Vessel-on-a-Chip

| Feature | Animal Model | Blood Vessel-on-a-Chip |
| Transparency | Low | High |
| Cost | High | Low |
| Ethical concerns | High | Low |
| Speed | Slow | Fast |
| Precision | Moderate | High |

The development of the blood vessel-on-a-chip technology is a remarkable stride forward in cardiovascular research. It holds immense potential to revolutionize our understanding of heart disease, expedite drug discovery, and ultimately improve the lives of millions of people worldwide.



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