They recover stolen products from a butcher shop

In an operation carried out this Wednesday, September 25, the San Antonio Oeste police managed to recover a large part of the stolen products from a local butcher shop located at 935 Andrés Rolando Street.

According to the injured merchant, the thieves entered the premises between 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday the 24th and 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday the 25th, stealing a significant amount of merchandise and other items. The complaint filed by the owner details that the criminals took 25 kilos of various chorizos (pork, mix and common), five frozen beef slaughterhouses (approximately 10 kilos), two pork empties (approximately 4 kilos), two pork bondiolas , two beef ribs (approximately 20 kilos), a 4-kilo cow vacuum, a 7-kilo shoulder rack, a 7-kilo shoulder, a 7-kilo needle, and various pulps that range between 8 and 10 kilos. In addition, they took four white trays with various cuts of meat, a new black wireless speaker with a white charger, five thousand pesos in cash change, three kilos of bread and 25 bottles of wine of various brands.

The owner discovered the theft when, around 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday, he received a call warning that the door of his butcher shop “Los Hermanos” was open. The criminals entered after breaking the back door of the premises. Immediately, the prosecutor on duty was notified, who ordered the start of an investigation for the crime of robbery. The Judicial Investigations Division and the Criminalistics Office were summoned to carry out the first proceedings. Subsequently, members of the 10th Police Station managed to recover a large part of the stolen products thanks to the voluntary surrender of a man residing in the Soberanía neighborhood. The meat has lost the cold chain and is not suitable for consumption. As a result of what happened, the corresponding criminal cases have been initiated against those involved. The case continues under investigation while justice advances with the pertinent proceedings.


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