They promote a campaign for pets to be legally included within the family

2023-04-18 23:46:22

A pet food brand launched a petition on Change.or that aims to legally include pets in the family. Under the motto “Part of the family, part of the Law“, the company My friend look for the death of pets is contemplated within the regime of special work licenses.

Omar and Antonella Marini, founders of the company, expressed: “Today our dogs and cats are part of the most intimate affective nucleus, make up and go through our lives. We want them to be legally what they already are affectively in our homes.”

We would like those who represent us in Congress to listen to our request and that of thousands of Argentine families who share their lives with their pets and feel deep pain when they leave”, added Antonella. A few hours following being published on, the initiative went viral and has already gathered more than two thousand signatures.

In Argentina, the Law contemplates a special license in the event of the death of a family member. Our pets are our family, but are not included by law”, is indicated in the request that was published on the platform this Friday, and has already accumulated 2,356 companies.

This means that, just as workers have days off due to the departure of a relative or the birth of a child, the same happens when a dog or cat dies. The company promotes various initiatives related to the bond between humans and petsranging from your product and awareness of animal health and welfare to different activities that motivate their physical care.

A few hours following being published, the initiative went viral and several celebrities, including Miss Bolivia, Cande Molfese y Melina Lezcanoechoed the issue on social networks, helping to raise awareness and understand that the action is not a simple change in the Law, but a cultural purpose and one more step towards the maturation of animal equity in the country.

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