The technical team led by the director of Didepro of the Municipality of Chillán, Renato Segura, delivered to the unions that make up the Employability and Entrepreneurship Roundtable (MEME), the work proposal for the implementation of a Special Economic Zone ( ZEE) Agricultural in the region, which allows facing the economic lag of Ñuble through a comprehensive strategy of promotion and coordination of the actors.
The unions that make up the MEME (Chilean Chamber of Construction, Chillán Chamber of Commerce, Ñuble Farmers Association, Truck Owners Association and the Gastronomy and Entertainment Association) received the document, along with the representatives of senators Loreto Carvajal and Gustavo Sanhueza.
“For some time now we have been promoting the idea of facing the Ñuble gap with a different instrument, which was originally a Free Trade Zone, but later we realized that it is not sustainable to do so based on tax exemptions, so we converged on a SEZ, which is an instrument that has been used in the rest of the world to confront this problem in territories where development does not come easily,” he contextualized.
El profesional explained that “the ZEE defines an integrated strategy between the different economic actors to develop the territory based on the agricultural vocation. Tourism, gastronomy, construction, commerce, and transportation are being articulated with agricultural activity, in such a way that the growth of the territory begins to be much more harmonious, the conditions for entrepreneurship, growth, and opportunities improve. of employment.”
Segura said that the delivery of the proposal took place by virtue of the commitment made with the senators, a month ago, and announced that in the coming days the unions will meet with the parliamentarians to analyze the proposal and define the next steps.
“We began to socialize this initiative with the senators, because it needs political support, that is, a commitment from the Regional Government and also the approval of the sectoral organizations, so that they also aim for this same strategy,” he stressed.
He explained that the proposal was prepared with the North American consulting firm Dentons Global Advisors, with experience in the implementation of ZEE, which defines the elements of the comprehensive study that includes the evaluation and feasibility analysis, the implementation roadmap and the plan. strategic.
Alejandro Lama, president of the Chillán Chamber of Commerce, valued the work behind the proposal and the participation of a firm with experience in the implementation of SEZs in the world. “We should not seek to invent the wheel in the search for solutions for the development of our region, the proposal has clear guidelines that require the will of all actors; We are going to continue working with the other unions in the evaluation of this instrument and in seeking support at the parliamentary and regional governor level,” commented the leader.
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