They paid tribute to a deceased senator and they were told that she was alive

Everything was going according to plan until the vice president of the body, Beatríz Argimón, suspended the discussion upon learning of the death and informed those present that the former senator of the Broad Front, Ivonne Passada, had died.

“He had been suffering from an illness for a long time,” said Argimón. Then the senators held a minute of silence and organized an impromptu tribute with various speakers.

Immediately, Senator Germán Coutinho, from the Colorado Party, asked to speak and referred to the “sad loss” of the legislator. Senators Carlos Camy and Guido Manini Ríos also took the floor.

After sharing a few words, Argimón asked the officials to conclude the tribute with a minute of silence. According to the newspaper El Observador, all the legislators present stood up and quietly concluded the tribute.

Unusual event in the Uruguayan Senate

However, the atmosphere of solemnity ended abruptly when Senator Liliam Kechichian, who had notified the body’s vice president of the alleged death of her colleague, asked to speak.

“We are in a crazy world and the networks seem to communicate things that are not confirmed. I am sorry because Senator Della Ventura conveyed the news to me, when they ask me we confirm it and now it would seem that this is not the case. The truth is that you cannot live the rhythm of social networks. I would ask him to make an impasse, let’s see and talk to the family,” said the legislator for the Broad Front

And he added: “We are in a very crazy world. I don’t know what to do, let’s delete all this and wait for confirmation from his family.”

After the speech in which he denied the death, the session returned to the issue of drought and the effects it causes in Uruguay.

Minutes later, Senator Daniel Caggiani reported that the error occurred because the information with the family was not checked. As announced by the Socialist Party, to which the former legislator belongs, she “is hospitalized in serious condition.”



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