They locate alive a young man who disappeared in Tláhuac

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A young woman who disappeared in Tláhuac is found alive The Attorney General of Mexico City (FGJCDMX) reported that a woman was found alive. young man23 years old, for whom an investigation file was opened and a search photo was issued, because her whereregardings were unknown since last February 22, when she was last seen in the Tlahuac Mayor’s Office.

It indicated that according to the inquiries carried out by elements of the Investigative Police (PDI), attached to the Office of the Prosecutor for the Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes in Matters of Forced Disappearance of Persons and Disappearances Committed by Private Parties and Search for Disappeared Persons, the General Coordination for the Investigation of Gender Crimes and Attention to Victims, made it possible to find the woman in a hostel.

The young woman will be transferred to the facilities of the aforementioned Prosecutor’s Office to establish how the events of her death occurred. disappearance and later be reintegrated with her family.

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According to the research folderthe woman and another person left ChalcoState of Mexico, and moved to the colony the little shellin Tláhuac, to visit a relative.

“The woman might have been absent from the site, her whereregardings unknown from that moment. For this reason, PDI agents posted photo flyers and carried out tours in the area, ”she explained.




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