They killed a man with a stab wound in Catriel and acts of violence were generated

The death of a young man from Catriel, from a stab wound to the abdomen, generated several acts of violence. The oil town experienced moments of great tension on Saturday: a series of videos went viral in which damage to the hospital can be seen.

Many people threw stonesThey entered the place and incidents with the police were generated. Something similar happened at the police headquarters. There was also an attempt and fire to a vehicle that was able to control the Volunteer Firefighters personnel.

The causes of the crime are the subject of investigation and little has transpired so far. It is known that the incident occurred on Saturday afternoon, around 6 pm, at the headquarters of the Uocra in that town, on Roque Sáenz Peña street. The union leaders rented that location to relatives of the main suspect of the crime.

The suspect in the crime also received a wound, presumably from a stab, and is hospitalized, with reserved prognosisbut out of danger. This was reported by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which is working to clarify the murder.

It transpired that the victim and the perpetrator began a discussion that culminated in the fatal attack on the Uocra delegate. The aggressor, in the conflict, also received a serious injury and after being interned in Catriel, he was referred to a town in Alto Valle.

We will have to wait for the man’s recovery to request a hearing to formulate charges, but they have already ordered his arrest. Saturday night, and After the severe incidents, the chief prosecutor Gustavo Herrera traveled to Catriel to work together with prosecutor Analía Díaz.

Around midnight, members of the COER group also arrived in the oil town and intervened to prevent further outrages and control acts of violence in public institutions.

It transpired that the first incidents at the hospital were caused by a claim by the victim’s family for the care he received. After receiving a stab wound to the abdomen, he was transferred by an individual to the main health center, however he died minutes later.

The deceased young man was identified as Maximiliano Segura. Then they happened at the police headquarters. Through the official page of the municipality, the mayor of the town, Viviana Germanier, sent her condolences to her family and questioned the acts of violence.

“Violence should not be tolerated. We regret that Maximiliano, a supportive young man with good intentions,and saw himself involved in an unfortunate event that will take his life. At this time we accompany the family, neighbors and his colleagues from the Uocra who learned to love him, respect him and value him as we do”, he said.

Many close to the young man also manifested themselves with great pain on social networks.

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