“They jumped on me in a taxi, I couldn’t move anymore” –

Rita Cavallaro

“Sara, Nello and I had agreed to return together in the taxi… as soon as the doors closed I found them on top of me, first one then the other, I remember that while he was kissing me, Sara was saying “how beautiful you are”. I had the feeling that they had spoken to each other, as if I had been deceived… I couldn’t react, to move… He was giving orders, he was saying “you can’t go home tonight, you have to come up to our place”. While he was saying that I had to go up to their house he was kissing me and then he took my hand, put it on his private parts and I felt his erection. I was taken aback by their action because, during the evening, I hadn’t realized that they had hypothesized a sexual approach towards me”. This is the story of the journalist who on February 2, 2023 filed a complaint against the reporter of the newspaper Domani, Nello Trocchia, and his partner Sara Giudice, a correspondent for La 7.

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The alleged victim stressed to investigators that she had not given consent to the displays of affection in the taxi on the night of December 30 and that she had felt dizzy, so much so that she was convinced that someone had given her a date rape drug in one of the cocktails she drank during Giudice’s party. But according to the Rome Prosecutor’s Office, which investigated Trocchia and his wife for sexual violence, the fact does not exist and, as reported by La Verità, has requested that the case be closed. Now it will be up to the preliminary hearing judge, at the hearing on December 10, to decide whether to close the case. The alleged victim’s defense attorney, Alessandro Gentiloni Silveri, has filed an objection to the case being closed and is asking to hear the injured party, who has never been summoned by prosecutor Barbara Trotta, in charge of the case coordinated by deputy prosecutor Michele Prestipino. The prosecutor has heard several witnesses, including the taxi driver who picked up the three journalists that evening, as well as one of the party attendees.

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In the motion, the defense complains that, in light of the “red code” legislation, the victim should have been heard within three days of the registration of the crime report. Trocchia and Giudice, however, were questioned and spoke of the colleague’s spontaneous participation. Then there is the mystery of the urine tests, which the journalist had carried out at a private laboratory on December 31. The test was positive for GHB, the date rape drug, but the analyses by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in the following days denied the presence of the substance. For the defense, that result cannot be relevant, given that GHB is eliminated within a maximum of 10 hours of ingestion. The lawyer then disputes the prosecutor’s conclusions regarding the taxi driver’s testimony, “who did not recall any violent approach by the suspects,” as stated in the documents. “Well, immediately after the events, my client appears ‘shaken’,” writes lawyer Gentiloni. The taxi driver even claims that the victim was “shaking.” At this point he himself tells her to stay calm, adding “because I wouldn’t have jumped on her like the other one, but that I would have accompanied her home”. A completely false story, according to the lawyers of Trocchia and Giudice, Grazia Volo and Virginia Ripa di Meana, who underline how the reconstruction “totally contrasts with the investigative findings that demonstrate the total groundlessness of the complaint and the version of the complainant”. And against the alleged victim they announce a complaint for slander.

#jumped #taxi #couldnt #move #anymore #Tempo
2024-08-30 10:08:17



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