They investigate the death of a whale found on the beach of Córdoba

A whale was found dead on Monday on the beaches of San Bernardo del Viento, in the department of Córdoba.

The mammal, which according to Albeiro Arrieta, deputy director of Environmental Management of the Autonomous Corporation of the Valles del Sinú and San Jorge (CVS), might be a female of the fin whale species approximately 11 meters long, it was washed away by the tide and found in a state of decomposition.

It is not common for this type of whale to appear near coastal areas. It is believed that in its transit from the north of the continent to warmer waters for its reproductive process, it might have led to the fact that, due to tidal disorientation or some type of disease, perhaps due to algae, fungi, bacteria or viruses, it has been produced. his death, ”Arrieta explained.

On the followingnoon of this Tuesday, a technical team made up of the Ministry of the Environment, the Omacha Foundation and the CVS took samples of the whale. to determine the Causes of death. The beach where the mammal was found is closed.

Environmental authorities recommend to coastal communities that, in the event of being faced with an enmeshed or stranded whale, the first thing they should do is notify the coast guard, the General Maritime Directorate (Dimar) or the Regional Autonomous Corporations or National Parks, which are the only ones authorized to carry out unmating actions of large whales.

They also suggest not approaching animals because they can be carriers of diseases, because they come from other latitudes of the sea, according to information from CVS.




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