They inaugurate modern telemetric gates and deliver five irrigation bonuses – La Discusión 2024-04-18 13:58:34

They inaugurate modern telemetric gates and deliver five irrigation bonuses – La Discusión
 2024-04-18 13:58:34

In order to strengthen and promote agriculture in Ñuble, the National Irrigation Commission (CNR) organized the transfer of five new irrigation bonds to irrigators of the Carmen and Bulnes communes, in the presence of regional authorities, neighbors, and Surveillance Boards of the Chillán and Diguillín River. In addition, the opportunity was taken to inaugurate modern telemetric gates in the La Hermita sector of San Ignacio, which will improve and facilitate the extraction of water for irrigators from the Laja Diguillín.

In this context, the Small Agriculture Program promoted by the CNR is aimed at small farmers, who can access bonuses to develop irrigation projects through water efficiency, with the aim of improving agricultural production and advancing productive quality. of their crops, promoting fair and sustainable rural development.

Regarding the delivery of irrigation bonds, the president of the Chillán River Surveillance Board, Héctor Jaque, highlights: “we are very grateful for the invitation that the CNR made to us to participate in the activity of awarding bonds by law 18,450. , which is a subsidy for irrigation. We were also able to verify that with the help of the state, the canal works can be improved through the aforementioned law, efforts that are directed at several small farmers in order to improve the conduction of water to their properties and thus be able to increase agricultural production. ”.

The executive director of the CNR, Wilson Ureta, stated that he was very happy to carry out several activities in the Ñuble Region, among them, the delivery of new irrigation bonds to irrigators in the region, the inauguration of the new automated gates that will come to improve the agriculture of hundreds of irrigators, the lining of more than a kilometer of the El Carmen canal and the announcement of the historic agreement with the Regional Government of Ñuble for more than $5.6 billion, money that will be used for training, technology transfer and training of Organizations of Water Users (OUA).

On the other hand, under the scenario of the Zapallar Reservoir project in Ñuble, the director of the CNR maintains that “normally as the National Irrigation Commission we work on what is referred to as water efficiency, improving and maintaining canals, dams and using water well. , the management, but, these larger works solve comprehensive problems of the region, we believe that it will be a very important boost to the development of Ñuble because irrigated agriculture has a productivity five times higher when there are these works of reservoirs.”

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