They hung a Palestinian flag at AUTH

The… “strangers” climbed the mast as far as they could and tied the flag to one of its hooks. Apparently, they didn’t have the ability or the…mind to hang it up high, at the top of the mast.

Be that as it may, this is a provocative action, as no one has the right to post national or other symbols on public buildings. An opinion with which the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the AUTH, Konstantinos Bikos, completely agrees.

“I will immediately order him to come down. It is clearly a provocative action. It doesn’t matter which flag it is. No one can upload whatever they want to the web of Philosophy…”, he told It remains to be proven how fast and flexible the workers at AUTH are and how long it will take to…submit the flag.

It is recalled that in mid-May, members of AUTH’s student associations had placed a Palestinian flag on the… hand of the statue of Aristotle located outside the Rectorate while they had tied the kefiya, as the black-and-white Palestinian scarf is called, to his wrist. Directly behind the statue, they had written on the wall the message All Eyes On Rafah, as well as the slogan From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free Palestine will be free”).

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#hung #Palestinian #flag #AUTH



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