They hosted Zvi Sukkot on the podcast and shelved the episode: “It turned out much better than we expected”

Podcast censorship: The Tel Aviv publishing house “Radical” was established in recent years with great pretensions. “We translate, publish and distribute books from two minds”, they testify to themselves. The publisher recently launched a podcast called “The Radical”, hosted by Dr. Jeremy Vogel, a podcast host and thinker, with various guests mainly from the left side of the political map.

So far, 12 podcast episodes have been released, among others with Ehud Barak, Yair Golan and also Rabbi Yuval Sharlo. The 11th episode was supposed to be an episode with Zvi Sukkot, but Radical decided not to broadcast the recorded episode with the Knesset member from religious Zionism. In the podcast, they decided to record an alternative episode that was named “The episode about the episode with Zvi Sukkot” in which they sparingly quote Sukkot’s words, analyze them and explain their opposition to him and his words. The episode is joined by Itamar Weizman, the founder of Radical, and was given the subtitle “Is it worth giving a platform to guests like MK Zvi Sukkot”.

The podcast presenter: “We tried to make dangerous and problematic views accessible in a responsible way”

At the beginning of the episode Vogel explains the chain of details: “The idea was to also bring ideas from the opposite side of the political and ideological map and try to challenge them in ways that are not challenged in other arenas. We invited Zvi Sukkot. On an interpersonal level, he is a great boy, nice, pleasant and sympathetic He denied that he believed in Christ as an external event and denied that he wanted to build a temple. He turned out much better than we expected.” Vogel explained that since the recording of the episode, the incident of breaking into the Yemen field, in which Sukkot participated, took place, which he calls “a hooligan and anarchic event”.

Watch the episode “The episode on the episode with Zvi Sukkot”:

“We don’t want to give more space to those people who already get enough space,” the presenter further explained. “At the same time, we thought that there were several things in this conversation that could be talked about and we thought about a format of a chapter on the chapter with Zvi Sukkot. To differentiate thousands of differences, if you present the research reader with Mao’s ‘Red Book’, or to further differentiate ‘My Struggle’ , Adolph’s Mein Kampf, so you do it in a responsible way. And that’s what we tried to do, making dangerous and problematic views accessible in a responsible way.”

Zvi Sukkot: Radical acted exactly as the great liberals have done in all generations – you can hear other opinions only in close and responsible training

This morning (Monday) Sukkot responded to the unusual case and wrote on his X account: “This has never happened to me. The ‘Radical’ podcast hosted me. We recorded the episode in Tel Aviv and there was a good conversation. But they chose not to broadcast the episode. You know why Among the many reasons: ‘Sukkot turned out better than we expected’, ‘We were surprised that he was a human being’, ‘We were expecting a great man, he spoke to the point’ The liberals of all generations – you can hear other opinions only with close and responsible training.”

Let’s recall that about a year and a half ago, during the promotion of the legal reform, the podcaster Ran Levy from the “Making History” network chose to delete an episode he uploaded with Prime Minister Netanyahu. “The laws that Netanyahu is initiating are going to turn Israel into a dictatorship – and thus Netanyahu has become illegitimate, in the eyes and in the eyes of many in the secular public,” he explained the step in a conversation with “News Kipa”.



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