They had 85 kilograms of “ecstasy” and methamphetamine hidden in containers

They had 85 kilograms of “ecstasy” and methamphetamine hidden in containers

In particular, as announced by ELAS, in an operation carried out under the coordination of the Coordinating Body for the Prosecution of Drugs (S.OD.N.), the defendants were caught while transporting quantities of drugs between warehouses, in areas of Attica.

The drugs were placed in containers containing legal merchandise, while the investigation found that these are 11 containers containing 55 kg and 899 grams of MDMA and 9 containers containing 29 kg and 926 grams of methamphetamine, which were confiscated.

In addition, a computer, 3 mobile telephone devices and a delivery form of a transport company were found and confiscated.

The arrested persons, with the case filed against them, were brought to the competent prosecutor’s office, while the investigation, in cooperation with other foreign authorities, continues.


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New violations of the Athens FIR by Turkish aircraft and helicopters in the Aegean

/* — PerfOps by Nuevvo ( — */

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// Phaistos Adman

// OneSignal
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,

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// OCM & DFP

// CleverCore
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// Taboola/Project Agora

// For Google AdSense
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// Phaistos Adman

// Glomex
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// Vidoomy

// Weather
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// OneSignal
setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(‘ 5000);

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#kilograms #ecstasy #methamphetamine #hidden #containers


​It seems you’re working on a script related to ad management on​ a webpage. ⁣The⁣ script⁣ contains various segments⁢ where different advertising libraries and ‌services are ⁣initiated, such as Google AdSense, OneSignal, Disqus, Taboola, and others.

Let’s break down the⁢ relevant sections and fill in the missing parts and any potential improvements for better clarity and functionality.

### 1. Initialize Google AdSense

This part checks if there are⁢ any ⁤AdSense slots on the page and loads scripts conditionally.


const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);

const adSenseSlotCount = adSenseSlots.length;

if ​(adSenseSlotCount > 0) {

adSenseSlots.forEach(function(e) {

// ​Assuming asyncLoadScript is defined and takes a ‍script URL.

⁢ asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’); // replace with actual AdSense‍ script URL




### 2. OneSignal Initialization

This initializes OneSignal for push⁢ notifications:


window.OneSignalDeferred =⁤ window.OneSignalDeferred​ || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


‌ appId:‌ “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,




### 3. Disqus Configuration

Here’s the ‌setup for Disqus, which typically provides ​commenting functionality:


var disqus_config = function() {

‌ = “PAGE_URL”; // replace with actual page URL. = “1561043”; ⁣// Unique ⁤identifier for the page.


setTimeout(function() {

⁤ (function() {

⁢ ⁤ var d = document,

​ ⁤ s = d.createElement(‘script’);

‌ s.src = ‘’; // replace with your Disqus shortname.

⁢ s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new ‌Date());

​ ‌ (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);

‌ })();

}, 3000);


### 4. Handling Additional Advertisements

The comments indicate intentions for additional​ ad networks and features‍ like Taboola, CleverCore, and others. You’ll need to replace placeholder​ parts with actual ​URLs or functionality.

For example:


// Taboola/Project Agora

asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_TABOOLA_SCRIPT’); // Replace with the actual URL.

// If you’re using ⁢CleverCore

(async function(document, window) {

var c = document.createElement(“script”); = “CleverCoreLoader57097”;

⁣ c.src = “URL_TO_CLEVERCORE”; //‍ Replace with actual CleverCore script URL.

c.async = true;

‍ ⁤ c.type =⁤ “text/javascript”;

​ c.setAttribute(“data-target”,;

‍ c.setAttribute(“data-callback”, “put-your-callback-macro-here”);

⁣ ‍ (document.head || document.body).appendChild(c);

})(document, window);


### 5. Load Other⁢ Ads Conditionally

Check ‌for ads on the page and ‍load scripts conditionally:


// For other ad networks

if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {

​ asyncLoadScript(‘URL_TO_ADSENSE_SCRIPT’); // Load AdSense


// Glomex ad integration

if (document.querySelectorAll(‘glomex-integration’).length) {

setTimeout(function() ‌{

‌ ⁣ asyncLoadModule(‘URL_TO_GLOMEX_MODULE’); // Replace with actual module⁣ URL.

‍ ‍ }, 2000);


// Define asyncLoadScript function if‌ not defined

function ⁤asyncLoadScript(src) {

⁣ const script =⁤ document.createElement(‘script’);

script.src = src;

⁤ script.async = true;




### 6. Ensure Proper Error⁤ Handling

You‍ may want to add error handling for scripts loading to capture issues where ads may fail to load correctly.

This script ⁣is likely to be placed in the “ or just before the closing “ ‌tag ⁣of ⁣an HTML document, depending ‍on when you want the scripts to be executed relative to the document loading.

Make ‍sure to⁢ fill in ⁢the necessary URLs where indicated⁤ and test the integration with your specified ad networks.

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