They hacked to death a young man who chewed tobacco near the Golden Temple

The authorities indicated that those responsible are members of the radical Sikh sect.

Courtesy | It is considered a sacred place and they saw what happened as a desecration

Indian police arrested three members of a radical Sikh sect on Friday accused of hacking a young man to death for chewing tobacco near the Golden Temple in the city of Amritsar.

According to authorities, Harmanjeet Singh, 22, was killed Wednesday following an altercation with three Nihangs, a radical sect of Sikh warriors known for dressing in blue robes and turbans, carrying swords and following a puritanical moral code.

The murder took place in a market located just minutes from the Golden Temple, Sikhism’s holiest shrine and home to its holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib.

All three members of the sect reportedly accused Singh of being drunk and using tobacco near a holy site, which is considered an act of desecration in this religion.

“The incident took place in full view of the whole world,” Arun Pal Singh, Amritsar Police Commissioner, told reporters.

“Curious onlookers watched the entire episode at Kahia Wala Bazar this Wednesday night and did not come forward to stop it,” he added.

It is not the first time that a violent incident, related to the radical followers of this sect, has taken place near the Golden Temple.

In December last year, a man was beaten to death amid a mob at this shrine following he allegedly committed an act of blasphemy, drawing the ire of worshipers.

The incident was recorded and broadcast, as the prayers in the compound were broadcast live.

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