They evaluate progress and strategies at the Annual Cuida Chagas 2024 Meeting held in Bolivia

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Asunción, IP Agency.- The regional initiative of great relevance in the fight against Chagas disease in Latin America, held its annual meeting in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Colombia, the member countries of the consortium, participated, evaluated the progress made this year and outlined strategies to strengthen the elimination of congenital transmission of this parasitic disease.

The Cuida Chagas project is part of the country’s commitment to the permanent improvement of public health of the Government of Paraguay. The implementation is led by the National Malaria Eradication Service (SENEPA) with the support of the Central Public Health Laboratory and the General Directorate of Health Surveillance, among other agencies of the health portfolio.

With the notable participation of the team from the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of Paraguay, the meeting became a space for the exchange of experiences and knowledge.

Experts discussed the latest research findings, best practices in diagnosis and treatment, and community mobilization strategies to ensure access to quality services.

During the meeting, participants discussed key topics related to the evaluation of the results obtained, the most recent data on the implementation of the project interventions in each country was presented, highlighting the achievements achieved in the early detection, treatment and follow-up of the Chagas cases.

Likewise, strengthening collaboration networks, workshops and work sessions were held to strengthen collaboration networks between the different actors involved in the fight against Chagas, including government institutions, civil society organizations and affected communities.

Community mobilization: awareness and education campaigns have been carried out to promote the prevention of Chagas disease and encourage seeking medical care.

Through this initiative, we seek to work together to achieve the elimination of vertical transmission of Chagas disease in Latin America, improve the quality of life of affected people and guarantee a healthier future for future generations.

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