They don’t forget about “chemtrails”: this time they explain that even a stationary plane emits them

It has been showing the same for a couple of years

Posted on one Facebook account a videowhich shows a huge cloud of grayish-white smoke billowing from the back of a stationary plane.

Although there is no mention of what the post is trying to say, it is clear from the questions raised by the person who posted it and other videos shared on the account that the image is associated with the well-known conspiracy theory about “chemtrails”.

“First of all, I want to hear from people related to aviation. What is this? Are the oil rings stuck in the engine? Is the catalytic converter broken? Did the antifreeze hit your head? And stop, the engine is on the wings, there is no third engine in the Airbus tail,” he wrote in the description.

Screenshot from Facebook

The video is not new, it has been shared by Facebook users earlier this yearand 2021 m.

Screenshot from Facebook/Chemtrails is just a conspiracy theory, this plane is not spraying anything like that, the post may be rigged at all

Screenshot from Facebook/Chemtrails is just a conspiracy theory, this plane is not spraying anything like that, the post may be rigged at all

These netizens also linked the post to chemtrails: “OUPS! At the airport, the pilot ‘accidentally’ (?) sets off a chemtrail… thus showing that the spraying of ‘chemicals’ in the upper atmosphere is REAL.”

This video shows a Japan Airlines plane. This is indicated by the logo visible on the side.

Spotted the fake

It is obvious to the former commander of the Air Force, Colonel Jonas Marcink, that the video is fake. This can be seen due to several things. First of all, he drew attention to the workers seen next to the plane, who are obviously not paying attention to the smoke.

Photo from personal archive and AFP/Scanpix/Lithuanian Air Force Commander Reserve Colonel Jonas Marcinkus

Photo from personal archive and AFP/Scanpix/Lithuanian Air Force Commander Reserve Colonel Jonas Marcinkus

“Look, if the plane starts to smoke, are you going to walk around and watch these airport workers who are seen unloading luggage?” Does it look like there’s a huge ball of smoke coming out of that plane?”

“They are calmly walking around, working, it’s obvious that the video has been set up here, because if there was such smoke from the plane, any person working at the airport, civilian, military, anyone, would understand that there would be a huge fire and explosion right away.” , – noted the interviewer.

J. Marcinkus also noted that every airport has a fire protection team, and their rules are very strict. If they noticed even the slightest sign of burning, smoke or sound, they would react immediately.

“And believe me, if they saw such smoke, which has been steaming for more than a minute, the plane would have been surrounded by rescuers a long time ago,” the expert explained.

There is nowhere for the smoke to come from

However, J.Marcinkus agreed with one observation of the person who shared the post.

“What (that person) writes that there are no engines in the tail of the plane is correct. They don’t have starter motors. The engines turn themselves in. “There used to be Soviet airplanes that had a starter motor, which then cranks the engines, but now that’s not the case,” he said.

Scanpix/ITAR-TASS photo/Boeing 777

Scanpix/ITAR-TASS photo/Boeing 777

According to the former commander of the air force, there is no place for smoke at all in the back of the plane. Modern passenger and military aircraft do not have any tailpipes for smoke.

“Previously, based on the designs of the airplane, it was thought that a three-engine layout was appropriate, with two engines under the wings and a third in the tail. Then such a situation would be possible. For example, when starting the engine and the fuel automatic system malfunctioned, white smoke could start to appear, but now this cannot happen,” the interviewer said.

J. Marcinkus admitted that some airplanes of this model may still have an APU in their tail (auxiliary power unit – auxiliary power unit), but still insisted that such a picture is simply impossible.

“There can’t be that much smoke from the APU, it’s turned on when you need to wind up the main engines after they’ve stalled in the air.” That amount of smoke has nowhere to go. Jet fuel doesn’t produce that much smoke, so there should be some kind of smoke generator,” he explained. photo/Airplane photo/Airplane

He also mentioned the color of the visible smoke as another proof: “Furthermore, the burning color of engine oil, be it internal combustion or jet engines, is blue and by no means white. White is steam, water, a liquid that has nothing to do with oil.

There are no liquids in jet engines, everything is based on petroleum products, be it jet fuel or some kind of lubricant. That’s why there’s nothing to steam.”

The incident was not recorded

dpa news agency contacted with Japan Airlines. The representatives of the company stated that they do not have any information about this incident.

They also added that it had nothing to do with “chemtrails”. A spokesperson for the airline mentioned that it was clear from the visible behavior of the staff that nothing was going on.

Japan’s Transportation Safety Board, which compiles lists of aviation incidents and accidents, has also not released any data on the case.

The Chemtrail conspiracy theory has been around for over a quarter of a century. Those who support it explain that governments are implementing secret projects to harm people, control the weather or engage in geoengineering not only to stop climate change, but also to control society more easily.

The name “chemtrails” came from a word change contrail – the so-called condensation trail left by airplanes in the sky (eng. condensation + trail) – the beginning.

These white streaks are from airplane engines hot air that has erupted and frozen into ice crystals at high altitudes. The conspiracy theory that airplanes release chemicals or biological agents (bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc.) into the air is rejected by science.

About chemtreilus portal 15min has written more than once.

The white streaks in the sky have once again fueled speculation about chemicals

The US military planes that flew over Kaunas inspired the conspiracy theory

Chemtrails are again seen in the sky, now as a sign of the war in Ukraine

The white streaks left by airplanes are frightening again: they are afraid of solar eclipses and diseases

The theory of “chemtrails” does not disappear: it was “confirmed” in the garden of a pensioner

15min verdict: missing context. It is not true that a stationary plane sprays chemicals – it is impossible from this position of the aircraft. In addition, the recording can be edited – the people seen in it do not pay attention to the cloud of smoke at all. The alleged “chemtrails” of airplanes in the sky is just a conspiracy theory.

The publication was prepared in 15 minutes in partnership with Metait aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.

#dont #forget #chemtrails #time #explain #stationary #plane #emits
2024-09-21 16:06:23



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