They distinguish the project of a technical school in Bariloche that helps people with arthritis

Some time ago, a social psychologist told a teacher at the Technical Education Center (CET) 2 regarding the disorders they suffered on a daily basis. the people with rheumatoid arthritis that I worked with. That teacher summoned regarding 40 students and they held several meetings with the members of the AMAR Bariloche (Mutual Aid Arthritis Rheumatoidea) group.

After listening to the difficulties they go through on a daily basis, they got to work.

The work consisted of design and manufacture devices, with 3D printers, to facilitate the manipulation of elements (keys in locks, for example, or jacket zippers) for people with rheumatoid arthritis who have limited use of their hands or fingers.

“Knowing certain difficulties that these patients go through, we design simple devices for tasks of daily life, such as zipper pullers, sleeves to open bottles, stocking shoehorns or devices to facilitate the opening of doors with keys that allow force to be exerted with the hands and not with the fingers. It is more ergonomic. They were just some of the first devices that we worked on”, summarized the technical education teacher, Bruno Guilén, head of the Computer Aided Design Workshop that lasts regarding 20 meetings.

He recounted that, “following listening to experiences and looking for information, as a teacher I taught them to design in three dimensions with software. The design was done and regarding 30 or 40 devices were 3D printed”.

During the process, a recreational experience was also carried out: the young people had to carry out fine motor activities using gloves. The objective? Put yourself in the place of the other. “The idea was that the laces were tied with very thick leather gloves, among others, with the idea of ​​generating empathy. It was very nice,” he acknowledged.

The devices -open bottles, lift zippers, fasten buttons, key holders, among others- were delivered to more than 60 people, including members of the AMAR group, staff from the educational establishment, relatives of the students and other people who knew regarding the project.

This project that began in 2019, was resumed last year, when the technical assistance of the doctor was achieved Gabriel Goin, specialist in the rehabilitation of people with pathologies that affect motor skills. “It is planned to continue this year, with the aim of distributing printed kits to a minimum of ten patients and making in-depth studies on the use, functionality and how they influence the progression of diseases”.

The project was declared of community interest by the Municipal Council of Bariloche and obtained third place in the Latin American Contest in Solidarity Educational Experiences, called «Stories that Transform». The Bariloche initiative was recognized among a total of 52 proposals from Latin America.

“Many institutions and especially universities participated. Therefore, we are very happy regarding this recognition as a public secondary school”, Guillén stated and clarified that the prize is a sum of money in dollars which will allow the maintenance of the machines and the purchase of inputs.

“It’s all lung. The school allows the boys to appropriate knowledge; In this way, they give meaning to what they learn. There is a lot of social awareness as well, ”she considered.

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