They dismissed Macri and the judges who visited him before ruling | After the visits of Borinsky and Hornos, nothing has happened here

The visits of two members of the highest criminal court in the country to Mauricio Macri were the scandal that shook a large part of the Judiciary last year. However, with what the prosecution described as a “premature” ruling, chambermaids Mariano Borinsky and Gustavo Hornos were dismissed. The same fate befell the former president. The issue must be reviewed by the Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires, where the leader of the PRO and the casadores play local.

The ruling that dismissed Hornos, Borinsky and Macri is from last April 28, but it went unnoticed. The prosecutor Alejandra Mángano appealed and maintained that the judge made an assessment of the partial evidence.

In February of last year, Martín Soria – today Minister of Justice, then a deputy – and legislators Rodolfo Tailhade and Eduardo Valdés denounced that Hornos had met six times with Macri. The FdT legislators maintained that each one of the visits was contemporaneous with the issuance of some ruling that might interest Macri, particularly all the resolutions that targeted Cristina Fernández de Kirchner or those who were officials of her government.

The revelation of the visits unleashed a tremor within the Chamber of Cassation. Then it was Hornos who presided over it and his peers Alejandro Slokar and Ángela Ledesma asked for his resignation.

The scandal was greater when Borinsky’s 18 visits to Olivos became known. Borinsky did not deny the meetings, he made it known that he did not discuss his failures with him and that they were only recreational visits.

However, the ruling maintains that it was not possible to prove that Borinsky’s visits had existed –curiously, even though the chambermaid himself recognized them–. He also maintains that it was only proven that Hornos saw Macri three times. “It was not explained in the complaint nor was evidence obtained, regarding the way in which the mere presence of the doctor. Hornos, in a meeting with the then President, might have involved the will of the remaining members of the court that issued the pronouncements that are questioned, nor the way in which those visits might determine the fate of those cases”, it is argued.

How can it be that the visits that Borinsky did not deny do not appear? Because the ruling only took into account the report sent by the Military House with the manual records of income to the Casa Rosada. To see the visits to Olivos, you had to consult the electronic records. Prosecutor Mángano stressed that these records appear in other cases, but not in this one, where she investigates the visits to the presidential residence and the Government House.

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According to what was known by PáginaI12, the three members of Chamber II of the Federal Chamber –Martín Irurzun, Eduardo Farah and Roberto Boico– have already excused themselves. Pablo Bertuzzi, one of the two judges who came to court by decree of Macri, was drawn to see if he accepts Irurzun’s excuse. Then we will see what happens with the other judges. If the excuses are accepted, the Chamber might be integrated with Leopoldo Bruglia –another who came to the Chamber for transfer during the macrismo– or with Mariano Llorens, who also faced a complaint for visits to Olivos.



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