They discover a new blood type after 50 years of mystery

They discover a new blood type after 50 years of mystery

Scientists discovered a new blood group called MALwhich has been a mystery for more than 50 yearsa finding that allows the identification and treatment of patients with this rare blood type.

So, after five decades of researchscientists discovered the new blood type with genetic origin in AnWj antigen, by identifying the genetic origin of the antigen.

The research was carried out by scientists from the National Blood and Transplant Service (NHS Blood and Transplant, Bistrol), from the International Blood Group Reference Laboratory (IBGRL) of SNHBT and the University of Bristol, United Kingdom, and was recently published in Blood, the journal of the American Society of Hematology.

Despite the AnWj antigen was identified since 1972when doctors analyzed the blood of a pregnant woman and noticed the absence of a molecule present on the surface of all red blood cells; the genetic cause remained an enigma and an object of research.

Louise TilleySenior Research Scientist at IBGRL Red Cell Reference in NHS Blood and Transplant, said:

“The genetic origin of AnWj has been a mystery for more than 50 yearss, and one that I personally have been trying to solve for almost 20 years of my career.

“Representa a great achievement and the culmination of a long team effort to finally establish this new blood group system and be able to offer the better care for rare patientsbut important.”

How did they discover MAL, a new blood group?

To achieve this, studied the genetic sequence where they found that the protein MAL transports the AnWj.

More thanl 99.9% of people who are positive for AnWj It has the fullest length protein in red blood cells, something that people who test negative lack.

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Scientific discovery of MAL reduces risk of blood transfusionnea

The two best-known blood group systems are A, B, O and Rh (also known as RhD antigen, it is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells), but blood is more complex and compatibility between other groups can save lives.

This research allows reduce the risk of blood transfusion among individuals who are AnWj-negative, since receiving with Rh positive could have a transfusion reaction, which is life-threatening.

Now, it will be possible to detect negative individuals and avoid putting them in risk situations in treatments.

Nicole Thorntondirector of the IBGRL Red Blood Cell Reference Center at the NHS Blood and Transplant, said a lot of work is needed to demonstrate how a gene encodes an antigen of a blood group.

“But that’s what We are passionate about making these discoveries for the benefit of patients. with rare diseases around the world.

What is the most common blood type in the world?

According to Statesman and the document called What blood types are most common in the world? by María Florencia Melo in 2024 type O+ is the most common blood group. And it is found throughout America, Oceania, part of Africa, Europe and Asia.

Europe and Asia is where the type of A+ bloodPakistan and Bangladesh type B+.

The blood group MALthe 47th to be discovered, according to the University of Bristol, harbors the rare AnWj antigen.

What is the most common blood type in Mexico?

According to World Population Review, the percentage of people who have the sanquine type O+ in Mexico is 59.09%.

But you should know that there are four different types of blood: A, B, O y AB, and each of them can be positive or negativedepending on the presence (or not) of the so-called antigen “Rh” on the surface of red blood cells.

Each blood group has different qualities. For example, those of type O- are universal donors: They can donate blood to anyone.

Instead, the AB+ are universal receiversso they can receive donations from any group.

#discover #blood #type #years #mystery
2024-09-27 21:07:19



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