They detect in the center of the Milky Way almost a thousand one-dimensional threads hanging in space

A new image of the center of the Milky Way has revealed almost a thousand one-dimensional strands (or filaments), dangling in space.

It was known that with a length of up to 150 light years, these “threads” are found in pairs and groups, often stacked at equal distances, one next to the other, as explained by a group of scientists, reported RT.

Lead author of this research, Yusef-Zadeh, said that they have long studied individual filaments with myopic vision and “we finally see the whole picture: a panoramic view full of abundant filaments. Merely examining a few filaments makes it difficult to draw any real conclusions about what they are and where they came from. This marks a turning point in advancing our understanding of these structures,” he continued.

It is worth mentioning that astronomers spent three years studying the sky and analyzing data from SARAO. Using 200 hours with MeerKAT / YD/JML telescope

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