They detained 8 people who defrauded casinos by manipulating gaming machines – 24 hours

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Casino Con Unders: The Roulette Rascals of Bulgaria

Well, well, well — if it isn’t the plot twist of the century straight outta Bulgaria! I mean, who knew that all those late-night poker games and “I swear it’s the house’s fault” moments could lead to a game of cat and mouse that puts Tom and Jerry to shame?

According to the delightful folks at the prosecutor’s office in Plovdiv — because everyone needs a hobby during a global pandemic — an organized criminal group has been caught red-handed at their own game: cheating at casinos! Yes, you heard that right. It’s not just a bad hand; it’s a whole deck of manipulation, involving high-tech devices and a literal roulette ball fit for James Bond!

Now, picture this: eight individuals operating under the radar in Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Pleven, and Smolyan, all very charming but decidedly dodgy masterminds behind a grand scheme that would make even the most hardened Vegas veteran cringe. They were so advanced they had offers coming in from abroad for their devices — presumably from a shady dealer at an underground poker tables in the world of high-stakes crime. Let’s just say, “their roulette balls were more lit than your Saturday night,” all controlled with the kind of precision reminiscent of a toddler’s video game skills.

The Masterminds and Their Misadventures

Ah, but this story has all the classic cast characters: the head honcho from Plovdiv, who sounds like he might have missed his calling as a reality TV star — talk about “Keeping Up with the Con Artists.” Then there are two technical specialists, probably sporting glasses so thick you’d think they were designing the next iPhone, and they’ve recruited croupiers and casino managers to ensure that while the owners think they are rolling in dough, they’re really rolling in… well, someone else’s cash.

Among those caught up in this hilariously tragic tale is a woman — proof that the art of deception is not limited by gender! The ages of the group range from 41 to 68, which speaks volumes about how long they’ve been honing their illicit skills — perhaps they’ve been watching too much Ocean’s Eleven. It truly is “elderly rebellion” taken to the next level.

The Aftermath: Justice Served with a Side of Irony

Following their ultimate betrayal — not unlike finding out your favorite burger joint uses cardboard instead of beef — authorities swooped in after an investigation sparked by a tip-off in Stara Zagora. Eight people detained, 21 properties raided, four cars confiscated, and roughly BGN 40,000 snatched from their grasp. And in case you were wondering, yes, their getaway car was a fancy German model. Because who needs a dull life of crime, right?

The big cheese, the organizer, is facing a hefty charge ranging from 5 to 15 years in the clink… which is oddly reminiscent of a bad Netflix prison drama. Meanwhile, his sidekicks face charges that could stick them in jail for anywhere between 3 to 8 years.

Let’s pause for a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity of these characters who flaunted a lifestyle of luxury without the pesky burden of a traditional 9-to-5. Talk about lifestyle goals — but, you know, maybe take a lesson or two from the law next time?

A Round of Applause for the Prosecutor’s Office

Hats off to the District Prosecutor’s Office in Plovdiv! With their newfound fame and a line-up ready to clap them on the back, they’ve seized the moment to finally put some much-needed pressure on these crooks. Vanya Hristeva and her colleagues aren’t just hard at work securing justice; they’re the ones looking like stars of their own courtroom drama.

So, in closing, while the world spins on, remember this: the next time you’re rolling those dice, just keep an eye out for those dapper folks in the back— they might just be controlling the roulette with more than just luck!

They operated in Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Pleven and Smolyan, two of them – technical specialists

An organized criminal group that defrauded casinos through the manipulation of gaming machines and the use of a roulette ball so that the player wins has been uncovered, boasted the prosecutor’s office in Plovdiv. The machines were fitted with electronic devices and the roulette balls had an implanted chip that allowed the game to be controlled by remote control. The roulette ball was so successfully made that the group had an offer from abroad for delivery at a rather high price, explained the supervising prosecutor Dimitar Molev.

8 people were detained, this happened on October 20 in Pleven after an investigation based on a report submitted to the police in Stara Zagora. They operated on the territory of Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Pleven and Smolyan. The head of the group is from Plovdiv, but there are no “selected” casinos on the territory of the second city. Two of the detainees are technical specialists, there are croupiers and casino managers who acted behind the backs of the owners of the halls. Among those arrested is a woman. They are aged from 41 to 68 years. Five of them have been convicted. A total of 21 properties and 4 cars were searched, a disassembled slot machine and several roulettes, electronic devices, marbles and about BGN 40,000 were seized, the group’s thief also had an expensive German car. The entire amount drained in the described manner is in the process of being established.

The leader of the group is charged as an organizer, he faces 5 to 15 years in prison. The rest are accused of computer crimes, fraud and money laundering, the punishment for which is from 3 to 8 years of imprisonment. Detainees demonstrated a high standard of living without working.

The prosecutor’s office has submitted to the District Court in Plovdiv that the 8 detainees remain in custody.

Personally, the head of the district prosecutor’s office in Plovdiv, Vanya Hristeva (in the middle), her colleagues and investigators lined up to brag about the big hit they made. Photo: Vanya Draganova

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