They describe the “morning” report as a political “montage” of a clandestine grave in CDMX

MEXICO CITY.- This Thursday, during his usual press conference, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obradorhe questioned Cecilia Floresleader of mothers searching for the missingfor reporting the discovery of a possible clandestine crematorium in Mexico City.

In today’s morning conference, the head of Government of CDMX, Marti Batrescalled Cecilia Flores’ complaint a political “montage.”

“The day before it came out that they had found a crematorium, but they came from Sonora and Chihuahua, people who do not love us and who belong to the conservative bloc, who of course defend causes that are very just,” declared López Obrador in his morning conference.

The Mexican president criticized that the media had replicated the complaint of Flores, founder of the Seeking Mothers of Sonora Collectivewho on Tuesday claimed to have found ashes and identification in the supposed clandestine grave on the limits of Iztapalapa and Tláhuac, internal demarcations of the capital.

Flores asked the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to intervene to investigate the remains, that the Government of Mexico City He claims they are from dogs.

“Misfortune should not be administered, human pain should not be trafficked because that, furthermore, does not help them. Before, since they had control of the media and everything, they could deceive, but not now,” López Obrador now said.

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At the conference, Batres accused Flores of putting together a “montage” to hit the Government of Mexico City, where the ruling party Clara Brugada, former mayor of Iztapalapa, seeks to be the new head of government in the June 2 elections.

“What we saw was then a montage and I could say, after what happened, a frustrated montage. We obviously respect the authentic work of those who work to find missing people, but in this case, unfortunately, we can assure that sought to profit politically“said Batres.

The head of Government, from the same party as López Obrador, National Regeneration Movement (Morena), argued that the complaint “corresponds to a political movement” and “is due to the election season“.

And he stated that “some bone remains were found,” but “according to the experts, they belonged to canine animals.”

“That was what was found, therefore, it was false that there were missing persons, it was false that there was a clandestine grave, it was false that there was a crematorium and it was false that there were human remains in this area. The people whose credentials were found are alive,” he assured.

The event represents a new clash between searching mothers and the Government of López Obrador, who is accused of minimizing the crisis of disappearances in Mexico, with more than 110,000 people not located since there was a record, according to the official census, questioned by the president.

You might also be interested: “Is there a clandestine crematorium in CDMX? We know this from the discovery of Ceci Flores.”

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2024-05-08 18:02:48

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