They denounced the arrest of a Súmate coordinator

They denounced the arrest of a Súmate coordinator
  • The organization detailed that its national coordinator for electoral citizen training had been transferred to El Helicoide | Reference photo

The civil association Súmate reported on Thursday, August 29, that Nélida Sánchez, its national coordinator for electoral citizen training, was detained by Sebin officials on August 26.

“We request his full freedom, and that his right to due process and to communicate with his family and lawyers be guaranteed,” the association said in a statement published on X.

He also said that Sánchez was being held at the regional headquarters of Sebin in Los Teques, Miranda. However, she had been transferred to El Helicoide, in Caracas, but her presence has not been confirmed nor have her family and lawyers been allowed to communicate with her.

Nelida Sanchez

Súmate also warned that Nélida Sánchez suffers from some chronic illnesses, including a heart condition, which causes chronic circulatory problems.

She also indicated that she suffers from fibromyalgia and asthma, for which they asked that she be provided and ensured the daily medical care and treatment required, in order to guarantee her “human and constitutional right” to life.

Professional training of Nélida Sánchez

The civil association recalled that since 2015, Sánchez has offered his knowledge and expertise to Súmate in the electoral area, especially by providing citizen training in the different electoral processes that the country has had, including the presidential elections of July 28.

They denounced the arrest of a Súmate coordinator

These activities have been assumed as a contribution to the construction of citizenship and, therefore, of democracy, based on the exercise of their rights ‘to participate freely in public affairs’, and to ‘elect and be elected’,” the statement continues.

Sánchez graduated in 1996 with a degree in Public Accounting from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) and in 2016 she received her law degree from the Bicentennial University of Aragua.

He has also completed diploma courses, including the Governance and Public Management Program, sponsored by the George Washington University Agreement and organized by the Andean Development Corporation and the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB) in 2005.

“In addition to all the activities and tasks mentioned above, Nélida Sánchez has also carried out community support work in Altos Mirandinos, where she has lived all her life,” the civil association notes.

Wave of arrests

Only from August 19 to 26, the NGO Foro Penal reported 107 arrests and one release in the context of post-election protests.

In its latest report, published on Thursday, August 29, the organization counted a total of 1,780 political prisoners, the largest number on record in the country.

Of that total, 1,581 arrests occurred after July 28, when the National Electoral Council (CNE) declared Nicolás Maduro the winner without showing the results broken down by voting center.

Penal Forum reported 1,780 political prisoners in Venezuela
Photo: Criminal Forum

Among those arrested are political leaders, journalists and media workers in general, military personnel, civilians, adolescents, lawyers, as well as activists and human rights defenders.

The lawyers of the Penal Forum have denounced that the majority of these political prisoners are accused of the crime of terrorism, a measure that has also been imputed to the adolescents.

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#denounced #arrest #Súmate #coordinator
2024-08-30 05:51:14



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