They denounce attack on Rolando Figueroa’s list in Piedra del Águila

List 41 of the Big Front and Community led by Rolando Figueroa denounced a attack on a local supporter in the town of Piedra del Águila. Furthermore, he rejected the attack on the vehicle of one of the candidates to councilors in the city.

They denounced that one of the members of the space went to the premises on Wednesday morning and “was met with the unpleasant surprise that the entrance door had been broken into“, they communicated on social networks. found destruction of posters, curtains and supplies inside, as well as paint on the walls.

It was also reported attack on the car of Laura Elena García, candidate second councilor for Community and Frente Grande. The agression It was in the patio of his own home and according to the characteristics of the attack, the four decks were flat and the window displaying billboards broken List 191 campaign. He also found scratches on the vehicle.

To these facts “adds the damage caused to the campaign signage located in different places of the city,” they added.

The candidate for mayor and representative of the space, Noemí Espíndola, filed the corresponding police complaint damage caused to the premises. So did the councilor candidate for the attack on her private vehicle.

From the political spaces of Comunidad and the Frente Grande they repudiated the facts and stated “we consider that this type of practice do not agree with the honest game and confrontation of ideas that every democratic process of a political campaign must exhibit”. “These unfortunate facts They refer us to the mafia exercise of politics, like that of the darkest times in recent history that we believed had been overcome,” they added from space.

«We appeal to the reviction of these nefarious practices by sectors opposed to space,” they stated. They also appealed to that the recorded facts be investigated at the party premises and in the candidate’s vehicle.

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