They cut water service to half of Caracas from this weekend due to failure in Tuy III

A new flaw in Tuy III pumping system will leave a large part of Caracas without water starting this weekend, without the state company hydrocapital report on the exact start and completion of work to resolve this situation.

Through a post on Twitter, the hydrological company indicated that “due to an affectation presented in the Tuy Ill System, the drinking water service in the capital region will be temporarily suspended,” without offering further details.

They only published the areas of Caracas that will be without water, among them 9 parishes of the Libertador municipality (Antímano, Coche, El Valle, La Vega, El Recreo, San Pedro, San Juan, La Pastora and Sucre) and a large part of the southeast of the capital belonging to the Baruta municipality.

A little less than three months ago a similar failure left without water to much of Caracas.

How is the water service in Venezuela

Rafael Rodríguez, coordinator of the Venezuelan Observatory of Public Services (OVSP), affirmed on April 7, 2022 that drinking water suffers limitations. According to the data of an investigation carried out by the organization, only 27% of Venezuelans receive the supply daily or the supply never fails.

In some regions 90% of respondents have to store water even for more than five days. People collect water because they are aware that water does not arrive and will not arrive frequently, Rodríguez explained.

In August of this year, the ruler Nicolás Maduro ordered his cabinet to reach 100% of the water supply by December 31.

«I instruct the Vice President of Public Works and Services, G/J Néstor Reverol Torres and the Minister of Water, G/D Rodolfo Marcos Torres, so that by December 31, 100% of the faults must be solved in everything related to the supply of water, so that 95% of homes have the vital liquid through their pipes nationwide,” he said on that occasion.



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