They call for a protest against the overrepresentation of Morena

They call for a protest against the overrepresentation of Morena

MEXICO CITY.- The National Civic Front calls for a protest in front of the National Electoral Institute (INE), in Mexico City, against the overrepresentation of Morena and allies, Labour Party y Green Ecologist Party of Mexicoin it Congress of the Union.

Following the elections on June 2, in which Morena obtained the majority of seats in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, Opposition parties and civil organisations have warned of the risk of over-representation.

Forums announced for overrepresentation of Morena

Given the current electoral map, the (FCN) announced the holding of a series of forums to evaluate the creation of a new political force and called on citizens to protest against the imbalance in political representation in Congress.

The purpose of these forums is to discuss the possibilities of creating a new political body in view of the upcoming elections.

In a press conference the organizers detailed that the first forum will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, July 24 at 11 a.m. at the Alicia Santillan House of Culture.

They call for a protest against the overrepresentation of Morena

Although the goal is the possible creation of a political force, representatives of the FCN pointed out that “we are not closed to political parties, but it will be based on new rules to avoid old customs.”

For three weeks, starting tomorrow, a forum will be held every Wednesday.

March against overrepresentation in Congress

Regarding the demonstration in front of the INE, this will take place on August 11 at 11 a.m. to demand that electoral laws be taken into account and to avoid “the theft of legislative power that would lead to the theft of judicial power.”

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: Coparmex raises its voice against the legislative overrepresentation of Morena

#call #protest #overrepresentation #Morena
2024-08-02 03:23:04



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