They ask that AMLO continue 15.4 million; half of their votes in 2018

In the first mandate revocation process carried out in the country, regarding 15.4 million citizens asked that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador continue in office, but half of his 2018 voters did not go to the polls to ratify their support. Three years ago the then-candidate López Obrador, of the Together We Will Make History Coalition, obtained 53.19% of the votes, which is equivalent to 30.1 million votes cast in the presidential election, that is, double the number reached this April 10.

In 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador obtained 30.1 million votes in the presidential elections, that is, double the number reached this Sunday.

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In 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador obtained 30.1 million votes in the presidential elections, that is, double the number reached this Sunday.

The summary of the revocation consultation and the previous results of the INE

According to the quick count carried out by the National Electoral Institute (INE), the participation is between 17% and 18.2% of the Nominal List of Electors , that is, the voters would have been between 15.7 and 16.8 million out of a total of 92.8 million people registered. Of these, they supported the president between 90.3 and up to 91.9% of the cases, that is, up to 15.4 million voted for the permanence of the president, according to projections. Meanwhile, between 6.4 and 7.8%, that is, up to approximately 1.3 million requested early termination mandate for loss of confidence. With the results of the count, the 11 million signatures endorsed by the INE would be exceeded to carry out the consultation. The computation of the minutes began on Sunday at 8:00 p.m. and it is expected that no later than Tuesday, the INE will make the official results public. At almost midnight, the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador thanked the citizens who voted in favor of him remaining in the Presidency of the Republic until 2024. ‘More than 15 million Mexicans are happy and want me to continue until September 20024, what can I tell you? I will never betray them, I will never betray the people of Mexico,’ he expressed through a video that he posted on his social networks. The president said he was happy to have gotten more votes than former president Felipe Calderón in 2006 (who got 15 million votes); than the former PAN candidate for the presidency, Ricardo Anaya in 2018 (12.6 million votes) and that the PRI standard-bearer, José Antonio Meade, who obtained 9.2 million). Regarding the results, the national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, celebrated the votes obtained and rejected that they mean perfidious, in his calculations now the president would have more votes than in 2018. ‘The president was scratched. He served between 90.3 and 91.2 in favor of the president. Why did he get scratched? He got half of the votes that he got in 2018 with a third of the ballot boxes, which means that if there had been full ballot boxes, he would have gotten 45 million votes, 15 million more than in 2018”, he expressed.

From “sticker operation” to combi transfers, irregularities in revocation

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Take away disinterest In the exercise of revocation of mandate in general disinterest in going to the polls deprived because according to the quick count data, 8 out of 10 voters abstained from participating. “The INE respects the decision of those who, in a personal, free and informed manner, chose not to go to the polls, their abstention is also a political decision, whether we share it or not, it is respectable,” said the INE’s president counselor, Lorenzo Córdova , when announcing the results. In his message, he considered the exercise a success in organizational terms, since 100% of the voting booths were installed, that is, the 57,448 approved, without considering those in which it was not considered prudent to operate on Saturday or Sunday itself, especially in Chiapas. But he The results of the exercise will not change anything since the threshold required for the exercise to be binding, that is, for its results to be mandatory, was 37.1 million (40% of the nominal list), that is, 21 million more than those who went to the polls this Sunday. Anomalies accumulate The mobilization of Morena

Throughout the Jordanian recall exercise, the war of hashtags in social networks was present , on the one hand those who accused simulation in the vote, those who openly called for voting in favor of the president and those who promoted participation even when it is prohibited by the Constitution. Several dependencies were placed in this group, such as the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHyCP), that of Well-being, Pemex and the Government of Mexico itself, which from their official accounts called early to participate despite the prohibition. The INE Complaints Commission ordered the express withdrawal of the message, however, this did not happen. The officials’ Twitter accounts were filled with their images praising their vote, which were spread by Morena’s followers. In his social networks, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Marcelo Ebrard, also called for a vote in the revocation process and was denounced by the PRD. In the mayor’s offices of Mexico City governed by Morena, it was possible to see the mobilization of people to vote through the art of operators of that party , who with lists and cell phones in hand, registered the people who had turned out to vote, taking photos of them along with their credentials and their painted thumb or placing stickers on those who said they had voted for AMLO. But the ‘mobilization’ of people was also joined by the leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, who took people to vote aboard a van that he himself drove. The brunette even spread it on his social networks, in which he spread photographs of how he used his truck, marked with the legend “Do you want to vote? I’ll take you” to move people to their boxes. On this, Acción Nacional and the PRD itself filed an electoral complaint once morest Delgado and when asked expressly regarding the case, Lorenzo Córdova recalled that the transport of voters is a crime that today is considered serious , that is, it is punishable by imprisonment. At the end of the day, 1,704 incidents were recorded, including definitive suspension of voting in 20 cases, 8 in Chiapas, 2 in Bochil, Chiapas and two in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, according to the INE executive secretary, Edmundo Jacobo.

What’s next in the process? The official results of the computation of the process will be available this Monday and the INE will send its report in the following hours, with the respective file, to the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF), responsible for analyzing the validity of the exercise. The final data will be accompanied by the report of the Technical Unit for Electoral Contentiousness of the INE, according to which 28 precautionary measures were issued directed at President López Obrador, the federal government, 18 governors, dozens of federal and local legislators, cases in which It presumes that its intervention in the process might affect its certainty and legality. The number of electoral complaints filed once morest officials, leaders and legislators almost reached 190, of which 283 complaints for illegal dissemination The exercise. In the eventful process, the INE also suffered a budget cut of 4,900 million pesos, during 2021 and 2022. The anomalies led by federal officials and partisans arose from the collection of signatures of petitioners for the revocation. Due to everything, these parties like the PRD already anticipated that they will demand the annulment of the process. Morena celebrates and opposition sees ‘mockery’ The national leader of the PAN, Marko Cortés, assured that the consultation will be marked by “illegality, lies, manipulation and the diversion of public resources.” From the first hours of the day, the PAN leader pointed out that if they might not get 40% of voters and had less than the 30 million votes he obtained in 2018, it would be “an own goal and failure” for the federal president. For his part, the leader of the PRI, Alejandro Moreno, lamented that what might have been a “historic event of participatory democracy” has become a “mockery of democracy.” In the INE session in which the results of the quick count were announced, Morena and her allies remained silent. “It is a monumental failure” the “narcissistic revocation” exercise, affirmed the representative of the PRD, Ángel Ávila, for whom the president is preparing the next stage, that of capturing the INE to control the 2024 election. Meanwhile, the leadership national of Morena and the 18 governors of that party described the consultation as a success , while Mario Delgado announced that his party will support the proposal to reform the INE, whom they have blamed for hindering the revocation exercise. “The president has been ratified, the only ones revoked are the INE directors because democracy was too small for them,” said the Morenista leader. For Carlos Bravo Regidor, a columnist for Political Expansión, the revocation exercise left a day of contrasts, in which the INE was on one side and the accumulation of irregularities from Morena and Aliados on the other. In his assessment, this revocation process was distorted because the exercise was appropriated by those in power, so the result has that effect, that of intervention from power.



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