They ask ‘Otoniel’ to expand his testimony after pointing out Generals Barrero and Torres

The Delegate Attorney before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (GIVE), Alonso Pio Fernandezformally asked the transitional court to advance quickly and concretely in expanding the testimony of the former commander of the Clan del Golfo, Dairo Usuga ‘Otoniel’ from United States.

In particular, the delegate from the Public Prosecutor’s Office requested that contacts with the United States government be deepened, so that the ex-capo can continue collaborating on matters such as high-ranking officials involved in links with paramilitarism and/or the Clan del Golfo (after pointing out to the Generals Henry Torres Escalante and Leonardo Barrero).

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“…what other names of officers do you remember who have participated or who had knowledge of the operations between paramilitaries and public forces, different from the Major Clavijo, Captain Carvajal, Major Londoño, Captain Pérez, Colonel Pérez, Colonel Plaza Acevedo, General Leonardo Barrero, General Torres Escalantecollect how the coca was commercialized”, indicates the document known by La W.

In addition, for the Attorney it is essential that ‘Otoniel’ also deepen his collaboration on crimes of the so-called “Casa Castaño”, DAS officials involved in homicides of EPL members and murders, disappearances, sexual violence and other crimes during their criminal career.

Likewise, according to attorney Fernández, it is very important and pertinent that the former paramilitary confess about the civilian third parties who financed or supported the armed groups that he was a member of.

“…individualize people (political leaders, mayors, civilian third parties, military, police), who aided and financed the war; delve into the creation of the Esperanza Paz y Libertad movement” concluded the delegate.

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Additionally, the prosecutor asked Dairo Úsuga to detail his statements against former prosecutor Néstor Humberto Martínez, as well as overflights paid for by individuals prior to his landing in the eastern plains, and relations with the emerald merchant Víctor Carranza, among other issues.

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