They ask for an aid program for fishermen after the Supreme Court ruling – La Discusión 2024-02-16 21:02:16

Reactions at a political level generated the ruling of the Court of Appeals of Chillán, which discarded the argument presented by the Artisanal Fishermen’s Union of Cobquecura, regarding preventing boats of more than 12 meters in length from the Biobío Region from being able to fish. in the first mile of the Ñuble sea.

The decision of the country’s highest court was to allow the operation of purse seine vessels, as established through a resolution of the Undersecretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Representative Cristóbal Martínez commented on the resolution that “although we respect the ruling of the Supreme Court, we do not share it at all, because as the Court of Appeals pointed out in the first instance, the main victims of this resolution are the artisanal fishermen from Ñuble, especially from Cobquecura, Trehuaco and Coelemu, who are being seriously affected by all the boats from the Bío Bío that come to destroy the fishing on our coasts.”

He added that “this is a decision that was made without consultation, without seeking the opinion of the fishermen in our area, and that did not take into account the enormous damage that it can cause to the ecosystem, favoring only one productive sector at the expense of another.” ”.

The parliamentarian specified that what they hope “is that the Government and the Undersecretariat of Fisheries itself can present some type of program or aid that will allow us to mitigate, in part, the enormous damage that artisanal fishermen in our region will suffer with this resolution.”

For her part, representative Marta Bravo stated that it is “very regrettable that the Supreme Court decided to reverse a ruling that did justice to all the artisanal fishermen of our region, who for years have been seriously threatened by the productive activity carried out by the vessels that “They come from Biobío.”

He added that “the only thing that has been asked here is that equality of competence be guaranteed and that everyone has the same possibilities, but unfortunately this decree only favors one sector, greatly harming all the families of Ñuble that depend on artisanal fishing

#aid #program #fishermen #Supreme #Court #ruling #Discusión



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