They arrested a private flight passenger with 10 million pesos at Acapulco Airport

(Photo: National Guard)

One subject attempted to board a private flight at Acapulco International Airport con 10 million pesos in your luggagemoney that was secured by the authorities because the man might not prove the legal origin of the cash.

Through a statement, the National Guard (GN) announced that agency agents detected the large amount of cash in the Inspection Point for People and Baggage (PIPE) of the airport, where they submitted an x-ray check to suspicious packages.

Analyzing the contents of the luggage, the agents detected three cloth bags with bundles of cashmostly 500 pesos, and whose total amount gave an approximate of almost 10 million pesos. Similarly, the presence of a firearmwhich had the necessary documentation for its legal carrying and transfer.

According to information provided by federal authorities, the subject intended to board a private plane to travel to the city of Tolucacapital of the State of Mexico, which it was not possible for him to do because he was detained following the seizure of cash.

(Photo: AFP)
(Photo: AFP)

GN agents interviewed the subject to try to obtain information on the origin of the money, for which the detainee assured that he obtained the large amount of cash due to the sale of a yachtbut might not prove legally because did not declare the transaction before the tax authorities.

Both the cash and the detained subject were made available to the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) located in the Costa Azul region of Acapulcoplace in which the legal status of the detainee will be determined.

The seizure occurred less than a week following a passenger from Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA) tried to board a flight to the city of Monterrey with two million pesos in his luggage, whose legal origin might not be accredited by its owner.

The National Guard reported that the subject was undergoing a routine check during “random inspection, security, surveillance and crime prevention tasks,” which occurred at the airport’s Passenger Checkpoint.

At the scene, federal security personnel inspected subject’s luggage by means of an x-ray machinewhich achieved the detection of several geometrically arranged packages, generating suspicion in the authorities.

After detecting the suspicious shipment, the agents proceeded to carry out a thorough inspection of the luggagethrough which they managed to find “bills of various denominations in national currency, with an amount of around 2 million pesos,” according to what was reported by the authorities.

The uniformed officers questioned the owner of the suitcase regarding the cash, who intended to board a flight to Monterrey, Nuevo León, which he was unable to do because he was arrested because he might not prove the legal possession or origin of the money.

So much the passenger and the money were made available to the Public Ministry of the Attorney General’s Office, located in the AIFA facilities, where responsibilities for what happened will be determined.

This incident occurred two days following a Mexican citizen will land at the Mexico City International Airport (AICM) with 23 kilograms of clothes impregnated with cocaine in his luggage, which was detected by authorities at the air terminal.


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