They arrest in Barquisimeto a woman who pretended to be a manager of PDVSA to defraud

The arrest of Thamara de Fátima Escorcia Lugo took place in the Concepción parish, Iribarren municipality, Barquisimeto, Lara state, by the San Juan Municipal Delegation.

The information was offered by the director of the CICPC, Douglas Rico, through his social networks. “To continue strengthening the Peace Quadrants, we continue to respond in real time to minimize all types of crime in our most vulnerable sectors,” he stressed.

According to police investigations, the 39-year-old woman who pretended to be a PDVSA manager “told her victims that she was a plant manager for the PDVSA company, in order to generate trust so that through her they would obtain benefits granted by the Venezuelan state.

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Subsequently, he asked the unwary to give him amounts of money to carry out “procedures”, and when he achieved his goal, he cut off communication with people.

When the authorities challenged her, she claimed to be a worker for the state oil company and handed over a card. The information was verified by company personnel and they assured that the card was false and she was not part of PDVSA.

Likewise, Rico revealed that a cell phone was seized from him, which contained evidence of the illicit transactions he carried out. The case at the disposal of the Seventh Prosecutor of the Public Ministry of the state of Lara.

With information from: Venezuela News



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