They arrest an armed person who tried to attack the vice president of Argentina | News

Argentine authorities arrested an armed person on Thursday who tried to attack Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner when she was returning to her home.


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According to local media, the individual is a 35-year-old man, of Brazilian origin, and was carrying a 22-caliber Bersa pistol. He was identified as Fernando Andres Sabag Montiel and put at the disposal of the Argentine Justice.

According to the Argentine media Page 12, sources from the Ministry of Security of the Nation confirmed that the individual took out a weapon and pointed it at the vice president while she greeted the militants who have been vigiling for days in front of her home, reiterating her support in the framework of the road case.

The guards intervened when the individual tried to trigger the gun centimeters from the vice president, a moment that was recorded on videos by the various assistants and media that were at the scene.

For his part, the Minister of Security, Aníbal Fernández, specified that “a person who is indicated by those who were close to him shows that he had a weapon. This person is detained by personnel in the custody of the vice president.”

In turn, his lawyer Gregorio Dalbon asserted, through the social network Twitter, that “they attacked the vice presidency Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. We are not going to stop until we know who it was.”

Rejection of assassination attempt

After the attempt to attack the Argentine vice president, various leaders, organizations and personalities in the country expressed their resounding rejection of this attack.

Through the social network Twitter, Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero asserted that the attack against Vice President Fernández “is the most serious act of political violence since the return of democracy.”

The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, referred to the fact indicating that “when hatred and violence prevail over the debate of ideas, they destroy societies and generate situations like today’s: an assassination attempt.”

In addition, the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo expressed “our strongest rejection of the attack that the vice president has just suffered.”

Its president, Estela de Carlotto, told local media that “among so many bad things we can think of, one never imagines this, the worst.”

For its part, the block of deputies from the Frente de Todos published a statement in which “we strongly repudiate the attempt on the life of the nation’s vice president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.”

“We have been warning about it. The incitements to hatred poured from different spheres of political, media and judicial power against the former president, only led to a climate of extreme violence,” they said.

The Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, declared that “those who insist on persecuting, inciting violence and even asking for the death penalty must stop now. You cannot continue promoting hatred and violence.”

The deputy and son of the vice president, Máximo Kirchner, also spoke out and described what happened as an “enormous degree of madness and hatred.”

The Judicialist Party rejected what happened against Vice President Fernández and urged that “in one of the most serious and worrying days since the return of democracy, we call on the entire leadership, without distinction of political factions, not only to condemn what happened but also to cease the constant dissemination of hate speech”.

The director of Banco Nación, Julia Strada, shared a statement in which she repudiated the attack against the Argentine vice president and sent her a hug “in these dark times that come from hate speech and the nefarious actions of a sector of political power ” from the country.

The Argentine Senate also published a statement from the blocs and interblocs, who “express their strong rejection of the assassination attempt against Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, which occurred tonight at the doors of her home.”

“We express our absolute solidarity with the vice president and her family. And we demand the prompt and complete clarification of this unfortunate fact, which tarnishes life in a democracy,” they said.

After what happened, former President Mauricio Macri also spoke to convey his “absolute repudiation of the attack suffered by Cristina Kirchner, which fortunately has had no consequences for the vice president. This very serious fact requires immediate and profound clarification by the justice system and the forces of security”.

In this regard, the head of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, urged the country’s Justice to act quickly to clarify the facts. “This is a turning point in the democratic history of our country. Today, more than ever, all Argentines have to work together for peace.”

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