They arrest 108 Cuban rafters who reached the Florida Keys in 2 days

Miami, Aug 05 (EFE).- A total of 108 Cuban rafters who arrived in the Florida Keys (USA), in the extreme southeast of this state, in a period of two days, were detained by the US authorities.

The head of the United States Border Patrol in Miami, Walter Slosar, reported this Friday through Twitter of the arrival of Cuban migrants in twelve different landings.

“During the last 2 days, Miami Sector Border Patrol agents, along with law enforcement partners, responded to 12 different migrant landings in the Florida Keys and arrested 108 Cubans,” the official said. .

The announcement of today’s arrests comes after fifteen Cubans arrived in an artisanal boat on July 30 at an uninhabited islet near Key West (USA), in the Florida Keys.

Just hours before that arrest, the US authorities had taken charge of another twelve rafters sighted by a cruise ship in the Florida Straits.

The attempt by Cubans to reach the United States has increased significantly since 2021 and since October 1 of that year, when the current fiscal year began, more than 3,739 people from the Caribbean island who traveled by sea have been detained, according to figures from the US Coast Guard.

Throughout the entire fiscal year 2021, which ended on September 30 of that year, a total of 838 were apprehended.

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