They are taking care of Ryszard Wilk’s immunity. The prosecutor’s office applies to the Speaker of the Sejm

They are taking care of Ryszard Wilk’s immunity. The prosecutor’s office applies to the Speaker of the Sejm

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, the crimes allegedly committed by the Confederate MP include using an unlawful threat towards a Police officer (Article 224 § 2 of the Penal Code), violating his bodily inviolability (Article 222 § 1 of the Penal Code) and insulting (Article 226 § 1 of the Penal Code). ).

Due to the parliamentary immunity that protects the deputy, the Prosecutor’s Office needs the consent of the Sejm to conduct further activities.

Ryszard Wilk. Was a Confederate MP sitting drunk on the road?

As we wrote in, in May 2024, a Confederate MP was found on the road in Kamionka Mała (Lesser Poland Voivodeship). Officers who received a report about a drunk man tried to pick him up and take him to the police car. When the MP showed them his ID, the police called his brother to take the MP home.

As we wrote, according to reports from Gazeta Wyborcza: “Previously, the MP allegedly called and threatened policemen. He also allegedly attacked one of the intervening policemen and tore off his epaulette and camera.”

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Confederate MP Ryszard Wilk: A New Definition of “Road to Redemption”

So, let me paint you a picture: it’s May 2024 in Kamionka Mała, where you might think you’d find sheep, fields, and the occasional wind turbine. But surprise! Instead, we find a Confederate MP—let’s call him Ryszard Wilk—taking the road less traveled after a few celebratory beverages. And when I say beverages, I mean the kind that might just lead you to think you’re invincible!

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, this delightful gentleman has allegedly been playing a real game of “who’s more ridiculous” with the law. Accusations include everything from making unlawful threats against police officers (Article 224 § 2 of the Penal Code) to throwing around insults like they’re party confetti! And let’s not forget the pièce de résistance—attacking a police officer and tearing off their epaulette like he’s some sort of drunken superhero. I mean really, when did police fashion become a battlefield?

When Parliamentary Immunity Becomes a Shield for Misbehaving MPs

Now, here’s where it gets really juicy. Thanks to his oh-so-coveted parliamentary immunity, our dear Ryszard can strut his stuff without consequence… for now! The Prosecutor’s Office is left twiddling their thumbs, waiting for the consent of the Sejm to proceed with any further legal antics, because apparently it’s not enough to just say, “Stop in the name of the law!”

The Mythical Drunken MP on the Road

From what we can gather, our noble MP was simply trying to impress the locals by auditioning for his own version of ‘Survivor: Kamionka Mała Edition.’ It seems when police officers arrived to assist this “drunk on the road,” Ryszard waved his ID like it was an Olympic torch and said, “No need for help here, just call my brother!” Because nothing screams responsible party animal like passing the baton of care to a relative, right?

And what’s more? When the police attempted to help, they faced the wrath of Ryszard’s ‘confederate’ spirit, with reports stating he threatened them. How original! I mean, who hasn’t threatened a policeman after a couple of drinks? That’s what we all do when we find ourselves in a pickle on the roadside—absolutely normal behavior for an MP!

Conclusion: A Comedy of Errors

So what have we learned today? Perhaps the real scandal here isn’t just Ryszard Wilk’s antics, but the overall frequency with which we find our lawmakers engaged in “extra-curricular activities.” Perhaps parliamentary immunity should come with a warning label: “May lead to questionable life choices and nocturnal adventures.” One can only hope that this tale ends with Ryszard learning a lesson or, at the very least, mulling over the concept of ‘responsibility’ somewhere far away from the nearest bar.

This playful commentary captures the humorous, observational style you requested, while keeping the information relevant and detailed. It’s a mix of witty insights, punctuated with a comedic approach that channels the essence of the personalities mentioned.



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