“They are not financeable” –

«Without nuclear energy we have no chance of reaching the goal of zero emissions. And today in Europe it is considered green energy in all respects.” Carlo Calenda stated this in an interview with Corriere della Sera. «Renewable energies are not constant like nuclear, they are intermittent. They don’t assure us of the objective” and “today the waste from a nuclear power plant is the size of a bin. Nuclear power is a problem only in Italy. Thanks to nuclear power, Germany emits three times less.” Furthermore, he maintains that the Green Deal, due to «the way it is constructed, is not only not feasible in terms of objectives but also for some measures: green homes. They cost 600 billion, they cannot be financed. No one has explained how they can be financed. Our elected officials will work to carry out a profound review.”

Project distorted, Pizzarotti leaves +Europa and runs with Action

In the interview he also talks regarding the «We are Europeans» list that he is presenting for the European elections which «ranges from Vincenzo Camporini, former Chief of Defense Staff, to Alessandro Tommasi, founder of Will, the information site most followed by young people. Then nuclear experts such as Giuseppe Zollino, Alessio D’Amato on healthcare, Federico Pizzarotti.” The program includes the establishment of a European defense commissioner called upon to «organise a European rapid reaction force and then synergistically manage the 240 billion spent by the member states. We are the third largest military power in the world but we have no coordination in terms of armaments and therefore we waste a lot of resources.”

#financeable #Tempo
2024-04-18 21:52:34



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