The coordinator of Human Medicine UAZ extension Fresnillo, Ernesto Alvarado Flores admitted that there are deficiencies in the infrastructure in the unit, since they do not have enough classrooms for all the students, but he denied that there are health problems in the facilities.
In recent days, the students of this unit made several complaints regarding the poor conditions in which the unit is located, alluding to the fact that they do not have water and the classrooms are insufficient.
Given these statements, the coordinator stated that there are infrastructure problems but that they have managed to solve them through the organization, that is, although they do not have enough rooms, they have managed to accommodate the students in such a way that they can receive their classes.
In the case of water, he explained that they analyzed the water to ensure that it is safe and so far they have not detected any anomaly.
“They commented that there were health problems, we already did laboratory tests and we showed that no, that it was not correct, that it was true, we already have bacteriological and chemical analyzes of the water that is worth saying, it is not for human consumption, they are only for current use of the facilities, for human consumption we use another type of water,” he said.
Although it is necessary to expand the infrastructure of the unit, Alvarado Flores specified that with the number of students they have now they can cope; however, the lack of classrooms limits the growth of the unit. This school has approximately 425 students enrolled.